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  1. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Phantom Troupe - Strongest to Weakest

    Lol just read the chapter They're kids without nen so I doubt it means anything, Franklin does have raw strength but there's no way he's touching adult Uvo. Uvo is closer to Phinks/Feitan than he is to the rest, not sure about Nob he could be with Matchi & Frank but I have bigger expectations
  2. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Phantom Troupe - Strongest to Weakest

    What flashback forgot about that one, was it in the anime?
  3. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Phantom Troupe - Strongest to Weakest

    Chrollo ------- ------- ------- Phinks Feitan ------ Uvogin Nobu ------- ------- Matchi Franklin Bonolevnov ------ Shalnark Pakunoda Kalluto ------ Shizuku Kortopi It's tough between Feitan and Phinks but Phinks is a safer option as Feitan might not have time to activate Rising Sun if he's...