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  1. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Coby's role.

    Do I look like someone who appreciates Sanji's idiocy :sanmoji: That said, Sanji is not part of an army, a naval commander's position will forever hold more weight
  2. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Coby's role.

    Not you you bum lol, Coby's naivety paralleling Sanji's simping doesn't mean jack Look what he did to Garp
  3. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Coby's role.

    Am I supposed to be impressed
  4. SakazOuki

    Chapter Discussion Coby's role.

    Which is why I say Coby will not become an Admiral at the EoS, will need a huge TS like Boruto Its not even about powerlevel only, the boy is a total dumbass with no understanding of how things work, with this level of idiocy its hard to see him make it into VA position let alone an Admiral...