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  1. Screws Loose242

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Why is people saying mihawk stronger than Shanks it never said that and it's certainly shown that in the manga mihawk only more skillfull than Shanks in the art of swordsmans ship that doesn't mean he's stronger, like if luffy pick up a sword and start using it zoro would be more skillfull...
  2. Screws Loose242

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Im so glade oda change up the story abit letting us know that there are pirates out there who's bounty is equal if not higher than yonkos but the just don't have the title of yonko nice job by oda if you ask me ,
  3. Screws Loose242

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    It seems like everyone pic change but I guess sanji last name being removed shows us that oda might be taken a different route either sanji name