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  1. Sentinel

    Versus Battle Akainu vs other verses

    Low Genjutsus may be countered with CoO but these high level Genjutsus? No, Akainu has absolutely no resistances at all against that.
  2. Sentinel

    Versus Battle Akainu vs other verses

    Yes - and that's why I included Izanami among the genjutsus to show you the differences between weak and strong genjutsus. As I have said above, I included Tsukuyomi and Co among the genjutsus to prove that CoO is not an answer against every kind of genjutsu. At best, FS allows the user to...
  3. Sentinel

    Versus Battle Akainu vs other verses

    I agree but as I said, CoO could be only helpful against weak genjutsus; genjutsus of sharingan users are on a different league, especially something like Tsukuyomi which can't be stopped by CoO. I mean, there are even genjutsus like Izanagi, izanami (it's some low level reality warping but...
  4. Sentinel

    Versus Battle Akainu vs other verses

    No. Naruto god tiers are massively stronger than One Piece top tiers although I agree that Akainu could even defeat Hashirama or EMS Madara. That's a huge overstatement; CoO may help against weak genjutsus but CoO is definitely not an answer against strong genjutsus which utterly fuck your...