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  1. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    I thought Mihawk was afraid of Vista. You such a fucking hoe! I love it.
  2. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

  3. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    What's the fuss about now?
  4. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    He should stop making them say this. It's cringe as fuck.
  5. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Impossible. It must be Haki restricted since Hawkins could basically pull this off on every Yonko.
  6. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Didn't Law say that he couldn't teleport Kaido and Mom because of their strong Haki?
  7. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda is just trash at explaining power and Haki is poor man's Walmart Nen. Ffs. Some power in One Piece really make no sense at all.
  8. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Nah. I doubt it. Both Luffy and Zoro's Haki are superior to Law's. If they insist on defence and focusing their Haki for the upcoming move/attack from Law they wouldn't get swapped. Same deal with Doffy. Doffy just didn't bother to focus his Haki on defense because why he would waste Haki on...
  9. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Yes, I said it just now above^
  10. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    I mean what needs explanation is one thing. Law could switch Luffy and Zoro around but not because he has stronger Haki. It's because they are not resisting it. But since Big Mom and Kaido had their Haki on prepared for incoming attack, + the fact their Haki is stronger they didn't get...
  11. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Law explaining why he couldn't switch Kaido and Big Mom around is literally your explanation on how to counter Sugar and other op devil fruit users.
  12. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    @rerere @Pantheos and whoever follows Kidd. Hawkins's ability is another retarded writing decision by Oda this time. Hear me out. Since as you probably realized it may not work on Yonko level characters since their Haki is stronger ( the same case with Law's powers ). Oda basically ( in...
  13. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    They were more fodder than Oars Jr.
  14. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    I accepted the fact of the fight being a thing. Never switched sides. I'm still behind what I said that this fight makes no sense since King was poorly written prior to the fight. If you wanted to shine you should've stood under the Brothel banner and take a selfie.
  15. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Do you think King suffered from the same fate as Zoro? I mean the bro/bro comparisons. Zoro and Sanji. Strong Alpha and Clown Beta. King and Sanji Strong ALpha and Clown Beta.
  16. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Go away swinger. Huh? Never thought someone felt Numbers got badass entrance. I knew they will be giant fodders since the start.
  17. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Oda would have to be the biggest dickhead retard writer in manga history after all the shit that he put King thru, he finally gives him a hype chapter just to get one-shotted? Bruh.
  18. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    It's a "what if" battle. I can do the same. What if Shiryu didn't save Blackbeard? What if the entire Marines focused on BB on Marineford? Stop using such cheap tricks especially since you think of yourself as a deep theorist/analyzer.
  19. Seth

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers Discussion

    Katakuri took 13 hits. Marco took one clean hit without his DF and he was out. Marco is a bigger glass canon than Katakuri.