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  1. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1018: Jinbe vs. Who’s Who

    Started with Ulti and Nami though. None of the fights were straight out duels, Jinbe fought whole WW crew, whereas Ulti was pre damaged and so forth.
  2. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1018: Jinbe vs. Who’s Who

    1) Does not matter considering Luffy got his first CoA upgrade in this arc. 2) Some idiots claimed Jinbe exchanging one attack with Luffy, where he looked better btw, is somehow proof that Jinbe is only G2/G3 level. Here he low diffed a guy who is equal or even stronger than that version of Luffy.
  3. ShinmenTakezo

    One Piece Chapter 1018: Jinbe vs. Who’s Who

    Luffys CoA was not enough to stop Hodys teeth, meanwhile Jinbe is stopping BM and WW with just skin and Haki.