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  1. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    It was because they couldn’t work together. But that was because rox was too weak to control them, not because of too many conquerors.
  2. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    I think Joyboy was definitely not a law abiding citizen with his strong connection to the outlawed poneglyphs and the world government erasing him from history as well as his treasure. If we’re comparing legendary characters to other shonen Imu - Kaguya Joyboy - Sage of Six Paths Rox -...
  3. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    I’m pretty sure that’s Joyboy and his crew. Rox is like the Madara of One Piece. He had his legends and many doubted that he’d be surpassed but end of series naruto surpassed his lm.
  4. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    I stand by what I said with Whitebeard -> Nami and Linlin -> Sanji
  5. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    Luffy - Rox Usopp - Shiki Sanji - Linlin Zoro - Kaido Nami - Whitebeard The five primary figures of the straw hat crew and the five primary figures of the rocks crew
  6. Sir Yasheen

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp These four are the ones who’ll awaken CoC. Sanji either when he fights the calamities or when he sees big mom again, and Usopp in Elbaf.