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  1. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    So he’s to blame for Luffys choices now :seriously:
  2. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    The problem was Oda needed to establish the Fishman blood sharing law so as to make the ending more impactful. And the best way to do that without dehyping the strength the straw hats gained was by using sanjis nosebleeds as a reason to need a blood transfusion. That’s why once that law was...
  3. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    1. The Marines were at Water 7 when Luffy was leaving Usopp there. Usopp wasn’t a crewmate. That’s why Luffy left him. Sanji was also no longer a crewmate at this time. 2. You said he was dumb for believing big mom would spare the straw hats, but that’s exactly what would’ve happened? What’s...
  4. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    Oh yeah I see what you mean now that’s pretty fair
  5. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    I mean I wouldn’t call it great literature, but at times it seems like some users just skim the manga when certain characters aren’t on screen or there’s no fight going on. A lot of people misunderstand or just downright misquote a lot of what happened on WCI for example.
  6. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    And that he was taught that by Zeff who then cooked for an entire pirate armada that was planning of killing him and taking his restaurant. I swear some people just don’t read
  7. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    1. He was about to leave Usopp on Water 7. 2. Big Mom was being honest. The only people who were going to die was germa. 3. He wasn’t a damsel at all? Don’t see where you got that 4. He literally didn’t know about anything that was going on. He saw children in a hospital, that’s it. He didn’t...
  8. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    So? He literally didn’t plan to return to the straw hats, he planned to sacrifice himself to save everyone else’s lives. Why would he make food for someone he didn’t expect to be there.
  9. Sir Yasheen

    Questions & Mysteries Did Whole Cake Island Arc make you hate Sanji?

    Lmao what? So you just completely missed the point of this scene calling back to Sanji giving his mom food and her saying it was delicious despite it being bad…