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  1. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    It's amazing how someone was arguing with me in this forum saying " Lucci was in base when he used rokougun on the violent punk". Turns out he used his strongest move while in his zoan form on a vegapunk body and still couldn't kill her lol
  2. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    1069 I can almost bet that we will find out law was captured and is probably with coby. 1069 would also be the chapter that's 500 chapters after the chapter in which coby fought against luffy in marine ford
  3. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Do we know for a fact it was in base form? And that's the problem. Luffy doesn't refer to him as a tough guy. Not the way he did about Kuma when he told Bonney that he brings up bad memories. Instead he casually calls him the nickname he game him from jump even though he now knows what Lucci is...
  4. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Damn after reading more of the spoilers its becoming more and more clear that the straw hats real fights are going to be the seraphim. Lucci had to use the strongest secret technique of the rokoushiki to only still fail in killing/knocking out a vegapunk satellite. Amd the disrespect oda is...
  5. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Huh? Lol they won't. I see someone be day dreaming hard these days
  6. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    It's why Kidd or law wanting to be pirate king and find the onepiece makes no sense to me. Their crews are even worse
  7. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Whats going to happen is that Smoker is going to pull after noticing one or the punks were killed and he will fight lucci with luffy saying to Smoker "thanks smokey".
  8. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Exactly I am happy you are willing to do so when proven wrong. That's growth.
  9. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Agreed it will. And exactly what I have been telling you will be presented to you in the purest form possible
  10. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Agreed so Smoker should be worried
  11. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    It's clear as day what's gonna happen. Lucci will order the other cp0 to go after vegapunk while he deals with luffy only for luffy to stop both seraph Kuma and Kaku. Instead of running jimbe will stay with luffy to fight stuccie Cooper and Bonnie run with vegapunk while jimbe and luffy...
  12. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Agreed. I completely agree with you. All I am saying is that oda has to make both fight to make it even make sense though they would still loss
  13. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Damn lol that was a good one
  14. Ssg super suit coby

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1068 Spoilers Discussion

    Well damn Om a serious note I so hate how bluenos fruit is wasted. He can actually fight. Don't know why oda didn't have someone like him become important