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  1. TheAncientCenturion

    Versus Battle Lord of the Rings battle : Gandalf the White VS The Necromencer

    Yeah but Saruman the white was also intensely jealous of Gandalf — I know it stretches back to Valinor but — throughout their time in Middle Earth it intensified . I don’t think he was leap years above The Grey. I always took Saruman of Many Colors as more of the corruption and change in...
  2. TheAncientCenturion

    Versus Battle Lord of the Rings battle : Gandalf the White VS The Necromencer

    It’d be much closer if it was Saruman and Radagast vs the Necromancer IMO. 1600262545 @Natalija this thread seems up your alley.
  3. TheAncientCenturion

    Versus Battle Lord of the Rings battle : Gandalf the White VS The Necromencer

    Probably Gandalf the White —neither maiar can make use of their full powers here, but Gandalf is probably significantly less nerfed than Sauron. Maybe Gandalf the Grey can’t win, that’s a distinct possibility though.