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  1. Warchief Sanji D Goat

    Kingdom - Chapter 714: The Power of Emotions

    In sheer numbers alone, Zhao would definitely massacre Qin. But since this is Kanki we're talking about, he will use terrain advantage and some of his powerhouse fighters (Shin, Mouten, Kyoukai, etc.) But what I'm worrying about is that it would be underwhelming for Riboku for letting Kanki to...
  2. Warchief Sanji D Goat

    Kingdom - Chapter 714: The Power of Emotions

    Okay I take it back @Yo Tan Wa It seems like Qin is outnumbered by Zhao once again which I'm not surprised, Riboku has been gathering soldiers from rocks to rocks for half a year straight for this battle. And if y'all think Riboku is pulling soldiers out of his ass, the same can be said for...