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  1. Zoan

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 960: Kozuki Oden Takes the Stage

    should only be 1 week, unless we get issue 6&7 released earlier than usual by the raw providers if not then it'll go like this 966 - 23/12/19 break - 30/12/19 967 - 6/1/20 break - 13/1/20 968 - 20/1/20
  2. Zoan

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 960: Kozuki Oden Takes the Stage

    last panel of the last chapter of the year ends with the scabbards arriving on onigashima, then break
  3. Zoan

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 960: Kozuki Oden Takes the Stage

    this chapter should of been named 'wano before the wasteland' it was great to see how beautiful it used to be, I liked finally getting to see denjiro and sukiyaki, hope we see the other scabbards next chapter P.S only 6 chapters left this year, could they all be oden flashback?