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  1. ivaannom

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1013 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Q: 技名はない感じ? A: 鳴光砲[メーザーほう] Q: 海方向に落ちたわけではない? A: 方向わからない 下アングルから落ちてくるルフィを上に見る構図だから位置情報が推測できない BM technique name is Maser cannon The second question is 'So it's not like he falls in direction of the sea?' A: I don't know the direction. We see Luffy falling from a low angle so I can't guess the...
  2. ivaannom

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1013 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    The first question is if Nami(and Usopp) did nothing against big mom and just as he thinks Big Mom did all the work A: They didn't do anything. They/She attacked but Ulti dodged and grabbed her and when she was going to do a headbut Big Mom attacked Ulti. The second question is if Luffy falls...
  3. ivaannom

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1013 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    アナーキーインザビッグマム(全部英語) ゾロに似たサメ(三刀流)をどう料理しようか考えるサンジ 海に落ちたじゃなく空中闘技場から落ちていった(白背景に落ちるルフィでめっちゃ見やすい構図になってる) The first question was what's the title and cover. A: Anarchy in the Big mom(all in English) Cover: Sanji thinking how to cook a shark that looks like Zoro. The second question is if Luffy...
  4. ivaannom

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1013 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    上のバレであってるけど一部補足 カイドウVSルフィは描かれずカイドウの語りで始まりルフィが白目向いて落下で終わる 絵と会話から察するに、ルフィは覇王色の覇気で戦いカイドウもそれが面白く受けて立ったみたい ただ、足場のないところで覇気が切れたのかルフィは落下 カイドウ「お前の首を斬って勝利宣言すべきだった」といった流れぽい Kaidou vs Luffy isn't shown, it starts with Kaidou talking and Luffy falling with white eyes. Based on the pics and the...