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  1. vikas

    Character Discussion Sanji's Immense Will

    For me only way I can bear to watch sanji is through memes on him :myman:
  2. vikas

    Character Discussion Sanji's Immense Will

    Tbh even luffys ambition ofnfinding one piece is lame, like he has absolutely done nothing nor ever took charge of doing anything to find one piece unlike roger who clearly like us readers was interested in solving mystery and all.
  3. vikas

    Character Discussion Sanji's Immense Will

    Didn't WCI show he is weak willed? He abandoned his crew and did not believe in them at all. Even at baratie his lack of ambition towards his goal was shown that his mentor had to force him an ambition, which.... doesn't exist, when was the last time he asked about all blue at all? Never...