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  1. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    So there would be another timeskip? And oden is respected by kaido so gaban could be yonko. And rocks have shiki, bm, wb if you dont want roger.
  2. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    In the end, these guys are near eos level already or else there would be another timeskip. And since roger has 3 yonko fighters and so is luffy. So zoro and sanji are near yonkos already. Theres a reason why the strawhats easily defeated the tobi roppos coz these strawhats is going to be the pks...
  3. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    big mom is sanjis arc and kaido is zoros arc. The only reason why oda didnt defeat big mom during sanjis arc because there wont be surprise anymore.
  4. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    because just like king isnt zoros final fight and so is queen. Theres a reason why the strawhats easily defeated the tobi roppos coz they arent on their level. And these all stars arent on their level either. Big mom and kaido are their final fights.
  5. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    People were saying sanji is just tobi roppo level but look at him now, Able to fight hybrid queen and king without raid suit. And base on logic, these guys should be near eos level by now or else there would be another timeskip. And since rocks have wb, shiki, bm, kaido on his team. Roger has...
  6. Z

    Anime & Manga The Amount of downplaying Zoro gets from reddit and twitter is astonishing

    oda will prove to you that after this arc, Monster trio exists. Zoro will defeat kaido and sanji will defeat big mom. And I think akainu will come so luffy will have an opponent. And yamato is the oden of strawhats and just like oden who is the 4th strongest on the crew, yamato will be too. And...