General & Others A refutation to the nonsensical claim that Sanji wanted to buy a slave or that he looked down on women

Let's talk about this panel and people's lazy interpretation of it

Aug 3
some people's takeaway from the panel is that he wanted to buy a slave for himself and they couldn't be more wrong. when they arrived sanji had tried to force their way in but then hachi warned them about the collar and the danger of angering celestial dragons

Aug 3
With camie's life on the line and the threat of navy admirals, their options were limited. Nami then decide the best course of action is to BUY camie back. Getting her out of there is their top priority

Aug 3
Just as they got inside, a woman was being auctioned off. knowing sanji's soft spot for women, he couldn't help but ask if they could save her too. Remember, they had agreed to nami's plan bc everything else was deemed too risky, you want to get someone out of there you BUY them
Aug 3
This also debunked the argument that "if sanji wasn't just being a simp why didn't he ask nami to buy everyone?" Bc when they got there SHE WAS THE ONE BEING ON THE STAGE. and the next thing they knew they were too busy beating people up so none of it mattered anymore lol

Aug 3
"but nami and chopper hit him so he clearly wanted to buy her for impure reason" nami did the same when sanji told her he refused to kick a woman even if it might cost him his life. she and chopper were aware of this weakness of him and reminded him to focus on getting camie out

Aug 3
Insinuating that sanji, a crew luffy holds in high regard, someone who has fought alongside luffy to help liberate people, was interested in getting a slave for his own entertainment and subjecting women to cruelty feels like an intentionally bad faith interpretation of his char

he explicitly showed great disgust and disdain toward the whole ordeal earlier

this reminds me of the people who spout nonsense claiming Sanji not hitting women is him thinking they are weak when he doesn't or

Sanji never thought women were weak ( he wouldn't call Robin and trust in her strength if he didn't know she was strong)

( seriously its always zorotards with these bad takes who try and claim Sanji should give up on his values about not hitting women I remember one zorotards claiming that if nami was threatened by a female marine Sanji wouldn't save her when yes canon sanji would

saving nami from a marine doesn't mean he needs to hit the woman he just needs to get nami out of there

“sanji doesn’t hit women because he views them as weak!” people when you remind them this scene exists

if he ever lays his hand on a woman zeff would literally disown him and surprise surprise the man who was disowned by his biological father at a young age doesn’t want his father figure to do that to him too how dare h

that nonsensical claim drives me nuts cause Sanji was literally raised as a super soldier with a super soldier sister
zorotards just say anything to insult sanjis character or power because they cant accept that the narrative portrayal and feats support sanji fans statements that they are rivals and close in strength
Sanji haters do a lot of mental gymnastics to hate on sanji or downplay sanji or deliberately showing A lack of reading comprehension like the above

Its funny they cite Zoro tending to fight opponents who are stronger than sanjis opponents in the same island
(with some exceptions ) as evidence that zoro is stronger then sanji which no one denies ( zoro and sanji are close in strength but zoro is stronger

But will try and claim jinbe is stronger then sanji when who's who is way below queen heck he is below jack

Sanji dominated queen after solving his mental crisi(before you go but he passed out that was s due to countering queens invisibility by running as hard as he could

they have to make these bad faith interpretations overhype of Zoro or Sanji downplay

or other bad arguments which they have no evidence for to pretend otherwise.

like claiming Zoro was yonko commander level right out of the gate when no he wasn't (
they go but Sanji got stomped by doffy ( the guy who fought Luffy and law) while Zoro didn't get a tough fight till wano

when that doesn't change them being close in strength Zoro didn't fight doffy he would have done no better against doffy.
they try their best to deny this by going but look at this

claiming eye/kick/bite diff
when Sanji without his exo on got hit by eye attack ( which hurt Luffy Sanji wasn't even taken out he just got knocked back a bit ) and then Saturn used some trick ( plot thing so only Kuma could save bonney) to paralyze Sanji zoro wouldn't have done better against him ( oda being willingi to put sanji in these type of situations ( for due to his vow Zoro cant be put into those situations) doesn't refute the fact Zoro and Sanji are close in strength where any fight between them is extreme diff Zoro never gets ahead of sanji )
but kick ( Sanji while dodging saturns attacks got hit by the fastest admiral while he wasn't focused which pushed him back a bit and caused vegapunk to fall ( but in the end Sanji instantly recovered he didn't fall down. he wasn't that injured when you run away to protect someone you will need to be way stronger then the pursuer)

but bite diff Venus retaliated after getting hit by Sanji there is nothing shameful about that scene or anything about that scene that debunks the fact they are close in strength

( the desperation is shown when they try to show apanel that takes immediately after Venus lets go of Sanji with Sanji falling in the air to somehow dunk on him)

Sanji outsped Venus being able to land a hit while carrying vegapunks body.
Zoros attack got blocked by Venus who had no trouble seeing Zoro coming.

( I put doffy above jinbe)
jinbe with his style was able to push thin big mom using the water in her body and on her using his strongest attack).

it doesn't matter that Zoro was on the rooftop for a period of time while Sanji wasn't it doesn't change the fact they are close in strength. Zoro got kicked off the rooftop fight
both Zoro and Sanji had a confrontation with their yonkos ( kaidos and big mom)

Zoro an Sanji ( with Zoro taking an senzu bean like drug) fought kaidos top guys who are relative in strength while both suffering from some issue ( with sanjis emotional issue messing up performance) and Sanji had an easier time dealing with queen but they try to downplay queen like pretending he is slow because he is fat when that is like claiming Bellamy is physically stronger then Zoro because Bellamy has more muscles.

or they try to act like ap is everything when its not

Sanji has shown himself to be way above jinbe

both Zoro and Sanji long surpassed jinbe.

the but jinbe ( who is more famous then Sanji ) bounty is higher is irrelevant like ussops bounty being higher then chopper or franky

or they convinced themselves that Zoro should be on luffys level when no he isn't and hasn't been and Luffy upon awakening his gears put himself way ahead of Zoro and the distance grew after the timeskip.

they love to overhype Zoro and try to ignore the fact the narrative and portrayal and feats supporting the statement by pretending it doesn't matter with these nonsensical lines to try and make it sound ridiculous

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You really wrote an essay for a gag scene...just laugh and move on, anyone taking that scene seriously is chronically online. That panel is funny af too.
Its commemdable to see this level of love for Sanji even in 2024 where he's basically decided to become someone's puppy dog, no diffed with one goroseis eye and others bite, has his strongest attack equal Frankys right hand and what not 🥸