General & Others Against Nakama Purity Tests


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
This is a rant I guess. I'm also dozing off as I type this, so there's that.

What the Hell is a "Purity Test" Anyway?
There is an entire category of arguments against Yamato (or any other character really) joining the Strawhats that I find particularly vexing. I call them purity tests. They tend to take the following structure "[Insert character name here] cannot join the Strawhat because they don't satisfy [insert condition here]".

Often the condition is an arbitrary characteristics or trait that someone thinks is common to most/all Strawhat recruits. A "pattern" if you will.

I find these arguments particularly vexing because they are irrelevant. They don't have a direct causal bearing on whether a character joins the crew.

When Oda is designing a character to be a Strawhat, I don't think he works his way through a checklist of purity tests that the character needs to meet before determining that they are satisfactory as a potential nakama.

Yes many current nakama do meet purity tests, but that's largely coincidental and suffers from a heavy survivor bias; after all, the purity tests were invented from traits the fanbase perceived as common in nakama.

In terms of weight I give to purity tests, failing a lone purity test is not enough to alter my credence in a character becoming Nakama to a degree that is intuitively perceptible (so <5%).

Often times my response to hearing that Yamato fails a given purity test is explaining why I don't think the purity test presented is a correct purity test ("no this is not the pattern, it's this instead" and explaining why Yamato passes the modified purity test). I think this is an exercise in futility and kind of dishonest too: it's not like demonstrating conclusively that Yamato failed a given purity test would make me noticeably revise down my credence in Yamato joining. I'll be unfazed by the result as I don't actually consider the purity tests credible. Passing purity tests are not why I think Yamato will become the next nakama, so failing purity tests wouldn't change my mind either.

As far as I'm aware, the Purity tests exists only in the fandom and don't actually feature in Oda's decision making procedure regarding next nakama.

Yamato Purity Tests
Examples of arguments against Yamato joining that I consider purity tests.

Yamato can't join because she:
  1. Doesn't have an exclusive relationship with her mentor like figure in Oden
  2. Looks too much like Nami
  3. Was introduced way too late in her arc
  4. Knows some secrets about One Piece
  5. Will upset the Monster Trio
  6. Doesn't have a definite role
  7. Hasn't had interactions with the Strawhats other than Luffy
  8. Only sought out Luffy because of Ace
  9. Etc.

There are others, but I'm barely staying awake right now, so I'm skipping them.

I could write long and detailed counterargument to each of the above arguments, but I don't think it matters.

Ultimately, the purity tests have little bearing Yamato joining the crew, and are ultimately just a massive distraction.

if Yamato joins the crew, it wouldn't be because she passed all the fandom's purity tests. If she doesn't join the crew, it wouldn't be because she failed some of the fandom's purity tests.

Good night.
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Talent is something you make bloom.
I view Onigashima as a separate arc from Wano, like EL/Water7. It makes easier for me to see Yamato as a "Brook" kind of character. She gets introduced, there's this immediate "joins the crew but actually no", has some sort of backstory that, just like Brook, might be better explained only AFTER the main conflict. There's quite enough time for Oda to showcase Yamato more and develop her. But people, for some reason, are assuming that what we got so far is everything the character has to offer.
I think she still has A LOT of potential to become an amazing last minute addition to the crew.
This comes from a person that hates Onigashima with the burning intensity of a "thousand sunnies" (sry for the pun, if was hard to resist), but I don't see Yamato as part of what makes this arc the mess that I think it is. In fact, developing her right, it can actually help A LOT to improve my experience reading it. Her and Kaido.
The character has a lot going on for her to make her a favorite of mine. I like her design (better Nami), I like her weapon, If she has the power that I think she has, I'll probably like it too. Despite people bashing at her Oden gag, I actually find it quite funny. There could be worse gimmicks for her like "a curse that makes her unintentionally lewd" like that firefighter manga has. It's innocent and extravagant enough to fit One Piece.
Yamato’s crazy delusional ass can go fuck off somewhere else , have her form her own crew
We don’t need to have her cringy ass on the sunny pretending she’s oden all the times

there’s enough cringe on the sunny already
There is a Golden Rule in nakama patterns in One Piece.
No actual Crewmate boarded the ship without the invitation being brought in the first interaction on the ship by Luffy or the Crewmate themselves.
It is a set pattern that if a person travels on the ship without the discussion of invitation, they do not join the crew. The same thing happened with even Vivi.

So the only person having a chance to become a Crewmate is Yamato.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Yamato will join because she doesn't have a mother. This fits in with all the straw hat pirates because none of them have a mother.
This is spot on. It's exactly the kind of arbitrary criteria that has no actual bearing on a character joining the crew.

Yamato will join because Oda wants Yamato to join.
Well said.

We don’t need to have her cringy ass on the sunny pretending she’s oden all the times
When last did she do this?

Yamato's latest development had her come more into her own:

There is a Golden Rule in nakama patterns in One Piece.
No actual Crewmate boarded the ship without the invitation being brought in the first interaction on the ship by Luffy or the Crewmate themselves.
It is a set pattern that if a person travels on the ship without the discussion of invitation, they do not join the crew. The
I don't think these patterns have any causal bearing on whether a character joins the crew.


Zoro Worshipper
I seriously doubt that anyone knows the secrets of the One Piece except for a very fee individuals that still don't have a direct business with it for countless reasons, and one is Rayleigh of course. :)
This is a rant I guess. I'm also dozing off as I type this, so there's that.

What the Hell is a "Purity Test" Anyway?
There is an entire category of arguments against Yamato (or any other character really) joining the Strawhats that I find particularly vexing. I call them purity tests. They tend to take the following structure "[Insert character name here] cannot join the Strawhat because they don't satisfy [insert condition here]".

Often the condition is an arbitrary characteristics or trait that someone thinks is common to most/all Strawhat recruits. A "pattern" if you will.

I find these arguments particularly vexing because they are irrelevant. They don't have a direct causal bearing on whether a character joins the crew.

When Oda is designing a character to be a Strawhat, I don't think he works his way through a checklist of purity tests that the character needs to meet before determining that they are satisfactory as a potential nakama.

Yes many current nakama do meet purity tests, but that's largely coincidental and suffers from a heavy survivor bias; after all, the purity tests were invented from traits the fanbase perceived as common in nakama.

In terms of weight I give to purity tests, failing a lone purity test is not enough to alter my credence in a character becoming Nakama to a degree that is intuitively perceptible (so <5%).

Often times my response to hearing that Yamato fails a given purity test is explaining why I don't think the purity test presented is a correct purity test ("no this is not the pattern, it's this instead" and explaining why Yamato passes the modified purity test). I think this is an exercise in futility and kind of dishonest too: it's not like demonstrating conclusively that Yamato failed a given purity test would make me noticeably revise down my credence in Yamato joining. I'll be unfazed by the result as I don't actually consider the purity tests credible. Passing purity tests are not why I think Yamato will become the next nakama, so failing purity tests wouldn't change my mind either.

As far as I'm aware, the Purity tests exists only in the fandom and don't actually feature in Oda's decision making procedure regarding next nakama.

Yamato Purity Tests
Examples of arguments against Yamato joining that I consider purity tests.

Yamato can't join because she:
  1. Doesn't have an exclusive relationship with her mentor like figure in Oden
  2. Looks too much like Nami
  3. Was introduced way too late in her arc
  4. Knows some secrets about One Piece
  5. Will upset the Monster Trio
  6. Doesn't have a definite role
  7. Hasn't had interactions with the Strawhats other than Luffy
  8. Only sought out Luffy because of Ace
  9. Etc.

There are others, but I'm barely staying awake right now, so I'm skipping them.

I could write long and detailed counterargument to each of the above arguments, but I don't think it matters.

Ultimately, the purity tests have little bearing Yamato joining the crew, and are ultimately just a massive distraction.

if Yamato joins the crew, it wouldn't be because she passed all the fandom's purity tests. If she doesn't join the crew, it wouldn't be because she failed some of the fandom's purity tests.

Good night.
I am a pattern believer yet I also respect for you not to believe in patterns. And I also agree that pattern itself isn't enough for someone to join the crew. And you're right about the massive distraction. Oda might intentionally put a pattern to make readers keep guessing on who will join the crew next. I've read your theory about the possibility of Yamato joining the crew and I agree about everything on it. For me, pattern is just Oda's way to make things more interesting. I mean if we can put more varieties of spice into a meal for it to taste better why not? But ofc, bad spices could also make the meal taste worse.

So far, I only truly believe in 5 patterns that seem too much of a coincidence (I'm actually glad that you didn't mention any of them). And ofc, Oda can choose to stop sticking to the pattern he made whenever he want, it's up to him.

Anyway, I am also Yamato4Nakama team. Great read and sorry for my English, I hope you can understand fully what I mean.
Yamato’s crazy delusional ass can go fuck off somewhere else , have her form her own crew
We don’t need to have her cringy ass on the sunny pretending she’s oden all the times

there’s enough cringe on the sunny already
Oh Look at you Mr. Edgy boy. Careful you just might cut yourself with all that edginess.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
So far, I only truly believe in 5 patterns that seem too much of a coincidence (I'm actually glad that you didn't mention any of them). And ofc, Oda can choose to stop sticking to the pattern he made whenever he want, it's up to him.
I'm curious what the 5 patterns you believe in are.

Anyway, I am also Yamato4Nakama team. Great read and sorry for my English, I hope you can understand fully what I mean.
I understood you fine don't worry.
I'm curious what the 5 patterns you believe in are.

I understood you fine don't worry.
Gorowase, alphabet, mfmm, female recruits are related to the directions of the journey so that the crew won't get lost, all the females recruit are members of the a pirate crew in which they didn't really want to be a part of.

I made a thread of this a couple days ago.


Zoro Worshipper
Yamato’s crazy delusional ass can go fuck off somewhere else , have her form her own crew
We don’t need to have her cringy ass on the sunny pretending she’s oden all the times

there’s enough cringe on the sunny already
I bet if Oda makes them join vast character development shall probably prove a natural consequence in that Yamato will start breathing some fresh air and eventually get away with their obsession with Oden.
I bet if Oda makes them join vast character development shall probably prove a natural consequence in that Yamato will start breathing some fresh air and eventually get away with their obsession with Oden.
But unfortunately oda just loves to repeat gags millions of times

how many times we have seen sanji heart eyes and nose bleeds or brook asking for panties or zoro getting lost etc...
at least those gags were funny once upon a time

this oden shit is painful


I would say many of those purity tests of yours are bullshit.

I only agree with "She knows about OP, Laugh Tale etc" since Luffy freak out with Usopp by asking that to Rayleigh.

The others really don't, Yamato look like Nami? You mean her design or personality? Because her personality is similar to Luffy. Design is not suppose to be a thing here, we could say that Robin boobs are as big as Nami so she shouldn't have got in? Also Robin was an enemy entire arc, she is for sure the most weird strawhat that joined the crew. Yamato is way more confortable then Robin to get in.