Theory Age of war, an Ancient Kingodm Story

This is the final theory about the ancient kingdom and so our trilogy ends, but fear not a trilogy about the world government will follow this one.

As I mentioned in the The rise and the fall of an empire, an Ancient Kingdom Story. a kingdom like the ancient one wouldn't fall or be attacked at the heights of it's power so an internal struggle created the perfect storm for it's take down. This is what I call the age of war, so in this theory we will talked about the war and what I believed caused it using the parallels as I did since now with the Inca.


The void century as we all know is a part of history completely deleted from archeological record and forbidden to investigate and wouldn't you do the same if your enemy ruled that era. From what we know only this century vanished, those before that are recorded or at least this is what I've understood.
Coincidentally the Inca empire lasted for almost a century until the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro and his brothers took advantage of the internal war for the throne and the unrest of newly acquired territories to fight the Incas and trick and capture the new emperor, whom will later be killed under the pretext that he order the death of his own brother and other pretender to the throne.

After this first small history lesson let's focused on the story of op.

Age of war

Similar to the situation explained above I believe that the AK was undergoing an internal civil war between to fractions for the claim of the throne, one of this fraction was the family of Im/Imu, if not him that only if we actually discover that he is immortal which I hope he isn't. The other faction was the family of JoyBoy whom at first might have managed to get the throne, but with a weaken state and army they were not ready for a second wave. It is in this era that joy boy makes the promise to the fishman because they helped him gain the power, but I believe the second faction managed to convince the 20 kingdoms that were already unhappy with this new rule to ally with them with the promise of power and money. This made impossible for him to maintain his promise.

With the Im family allied with the 20 kingdoms they would have had access to the same tech as the army from the AK and so they started their counter attack when the century bringing destruction one those that were allied to the Great Kingdom.

There is an other ancient civilization in our world that I had not mention in my first theory and that civilization are non other than the native Americans and we have them in one piece as well. As we saw Shandora was destroyed during the ancient war that is because they were affiliated with the AK, similarly in our world the natives fell under the power of the English and French colonialist and similar to the people that inhabit the sky islands they live on small pieces of land the reserves. Also similarly there have been discoveries that showed that the natives and the central America indios had been doing treading.

The Last city to fall: Raftel/Rafuteru

After the Spanish brought down the empire the set a dummy Inca emperor, that for a while cooperated with them but when some internal conflict started between Pizarro and an affiliate he tried to retake power. For a moment he did manage to take back the capital but the Spanish took it back so he retreated to the mountains and created a neo-Inca state in Vilcabamba where his successors ruled for an other 36 years until the last king Túpac Amaru was defeated and killed.

Just like Vilcabamba was the Inca last fortress Raftel was the last one for the people that inhabited the AK the D. families, a place where the hided all their knowledge so that the 20 kingdoms guided by Im family or Im himself, but again I hope he is not Immortal cuz you know Im=Immortal. This fortress in the end got destroyed as well and probably the first rudimental Buster Call was used, but i believe not that well because survivors spreed in the world trying to hide some even used fake name like we have seen with Law.

The birth of the World government

This will be the next topic of a new trilogy but for now let's talk just a bit of it's creation. With the enemy completely defeated the head of the military might had to make a decision so he created the WG, as time passed he realized something it is easier to keep under control his generals if they were at court so he offered them to go and live in the ancient capital of the AK. The other thing that he probably realized is that is way safer to rule form the shadows so his death might have been faked with the throne being like a monument to him a grave stone and the oath to not seat on it was born and each new king that comes there has to do the same even now. As we saw at WB grave his crew put their swords in front of the grave and no one actually becoming the new captain in sens of respect.


Due to internal conflict between 2 faction, Joy boy family and Im family, the Ak weakened, the first took controlled over the empire but because of the civil war it was now more fragile. That allowed the Im family to make a comeback by allying with 20 kingdoms that were not happy with the new rule so a new and larger war started with the 20 winging and destroying each of the allies of the AK.

hope you like this silly theory and sorry if it's a bit confused
