Rules: You go through the alphabet in your head, any user who wants to play will tell you to stop
You post the letter you landed on and try to fill out these categories with that letter (everyone who wants to play has to fill it out as quick as possible); For example, G
First Name: Gary
Last Name: Garfield
Fruit or Vegetable: Grape
Country: Georgia
Animal: Gator
Thing: Gatorade
Whoever finishes filling out these categories first says stop and everyone has to post their answers whether they are done or not
no answer gives 0 points
Sometimes people will have identical answers which yield 50 points
Unique answers yield 100 points
Whoever collects the most points wins
I'll wait a week to see if anyone is down to play, if you're interested feel free to comment or send a message
You post the letter you landed on and try to fill out these categories with that letter (everyone who wants to play has to fill it out as quick as possible); For example, G
First Name: Gary
Last Name: Garfield
Fruit or Vegetable: Grape
Country: Georgia
Animal: Gator
Thing: Gatorade
Whoever finishes filling out these categories first says stop and everyone has to post their answers whether they are done or not
no answer gives 0 points
Sometimes people will have identical answers which yield 50 points
Unique answers yield 100 points
Whoever collects the most points wins
I'll wait a week to see if anyone is down to play, if you're interested feel free to comment or send a message