General & Others Am I the only one who cringes when Sanji said "light doesn't hold a candle to love"?

Or the phrase "power of love" that gives me ptsd over fairy tails "power of friendship" bullcrap. And I thought nothing can top the cringeness of that until sanji tanked s sharks punch and blocked kizarus light beam through the "pOwEr oF LoVE"

Why can't sanji just become strong through the actual power system like haki or maybe even devil fruits. Why is oda transforming sanji into the most ridiculous simp who could not be gayer at this point. He even gets simp powers such as "PoWEr Of lOVe"😭💀

Seriously what is Oda even doing with Sanji? I was liking sanji pre time skip a lot. But when post time skip happened, oda decided to transform this once funny, actually lovable character into an simp zombie who gets his powers through lOoOvVVvEee

Edit: Sanji is literally an anime version of heeman. Hence both are blond. I just fkin can't anymore. 😭
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Or the phrase "power of love" that gives me ptsd over fairy tails "power of friendship" bullcrap. And I thought nothing can top the cringeness of that until sanji tanked s sharks punch and blocked kizarus light beam through the "pOwEr oF LoVE"

Why can't sanji just become strong through the actual power system like haki or maybe even devil fruits. Why is oda transforming sanji into the most ridiculous simp who could not be gayer at this point. He even gets simp powers such as "PoWEr Of lOVe"😭💀

Seriously what is Oda even doing with Sanji? I was liking sanji pre time skip a lot. But when post time skip happened, oda decided to transform this once funny, actually lovable character into an simp zombie who gets his powers through lOoOvVVvEee

Edit: Sanji is literally an anime version of heeman. Hence both are blond. I just fkin can't anymore. 😭
Idk where oda is going with Sanji
Power of love and whatever science shit he has stored for Sanji.

oda should’ve gave Sanji haki development
Why can't sanji just become strong through the actual power system like haki or maybe even devil fruits.
1. His Haki is improving. In Onigashima he said in a monologue that he developed his Haki. In Egghead he can use Hell Memories with Ifrit fire, so he can now coat his entire body with CoA (full body CoA).

2. Sanji's dream is underwater, he can't eat a DF. Besides his fire is practically a DF ability.

3. To make Sanji special. Luffy is already improving with DF mainly. Zoro with Haki. So Sanji gets Science.

Trust me, it's better for your character to have unique characteristic rather than being bland/common/generic like other characters.

Remember, what makes One Piece better than other Manga is that it has various different things altogether (like dozens type of settings/island). So having several power systems is better than 1/2 power systems (like Fairy Tail or Naruto) .
No, it's actually a good line. It fits the Love Knight, a fighter powered by passion

Not cringey, it approaches Power of Friendship, but such a concept being absent in One Piece, it's harmless if kept to Sanji, which we can all be confident it will.