Powers & Abilities An Admiral of Navy HQ is a greater threat than the Five Elders

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
What Kizaru done?
- Destroyed Vegaforce-1
- Pushed Bonney off the Labophase
- Bullied Usopp, Nami and Brook
- Tricked Nika with holograms
- Had multiple chances to kill Vegapunk only failed because of plot convenience

All on his own, and while fighting Nika

What the Five Elders done?
- Bullied Vegapunk and Bonney
- Stop PX-III while the Pacifistas focused on the Navy
- Nika looney tunes chase
- Sliced up a cloud
- Snail extermination (ongoing)
- Attempt to destroy their escape vessels (ongoing)
- Wherever they go they get stalemate

All while there are five of them, and only one or two of them are fighting Nika at any time

It's time to accept the Admirals are simply THEM

Admiral Mou Bu
Kurozumi Wiwi
Lee Ba Shou
Owl Ki
The White Crane
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Seriously it's hard to tell which group is stronger because Oda doesn't want/care to tell us.

The geezers have regen and CoC but so far most of them suck.
On the other hand we have Kizaru relaxing for god knows how many months on a ship doing nothing after a few punches from Goofy.

Idk if the so called logia awakening can save the Admirals reputation but atm the only one who looks promising is Akainu.


The only one who can beat me is me
Idk for sure but Kizaru seemed to be doing more than the 5 of these guys combined. The Saturn vs SH scene was not a good look.

Imagine 5 Kizarus zipping around this island when anything outside of Nika couldn't even perceive him 😭

It's no wonder Oda sidelined him when Gorosei arrived, he's way too much to handle given current circumstances. Luffy would have to pull a WCI and leave everything else behind to take care of him. You can toss in a whole new Gorosei and I swear it wouldn't change much.
What Kizaru done?
- Destroyed Vegaforce-1
- Pushed Bonney off the Labophase
- Bullied Usopp, Nami and Brook
- Tricked Nika with holograms
- Had multiple chances to kill Vegapunk only failed because of plot convenience

All on his own, and while fighting Nika

What the Five Elders done?
- Bullied Vegapunk and Bonney
- Stop PX-III while the Pacifistas focused on the Navy
- Nika looney tunes chase
- Sliced up a cloud
- Snail extermination (ongoing)
- Attempt to destroy their escape vessels (ongoing)
- Wherever they go they get stalemate

All while there are five of them, and only one or two of them are fighting Nika at any time

It's time to accept the Admirals are simply THEM

Admiral Mou Bu
Kurozumi Wiwi
Lee Ba Shou
Owl Ki
The White Crane
It's Lorosover. :milaugh:
It may just be Oda keeping the Gorosei in their dumb animal forms that are just ineffective.

Kizaru is too efficient a character due to his abilities, so he has to be sidelined for the events to take place. He could sink the giants’ ship with a light kick like he used to destroy a mangrove tree in Sabaody, for example.

Just being fair, Oda treats the Gorosei more like the Rocks Duo: a bunch of bumbling around for the sake of the plot
The five elders have completed the three main objectives they came to egghead for being. Securing punk records, the Mother Flame, and ensuring York is safe. They also disabled all 50 Pacifistas, as you mentioned. Not only that, but they have also freed and saved the Seraphim and CP agents who were held hostage at egghead. This also doesn't include vegapunks death, which was a team effort. Outside of one-panel clashes, the strawhats constantly get dominated by them in fights like with Sanji multiple times. Luffy even needed multiple food breaks to spam Gear 5 since that's the only form he can handle them in. While compared to Kizaru, he was taken down with one attack and has been down for several hours in universe.
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Narrative plays a massive role in the community scaling. Let's look at the example of the Admiral Agenda.

A lot of the Admiral Agenda hinged on two narrative ideas among the community:

1. The Marines and Shichibukai exist in balance with the Yonko. Not just one Yonko, but all four based on what Garp said. This means that the Admirals, alongside all the Shichibukai, need to be able to balance the net military force the four Yonko can exert.

What this form of narrative scaling effectively meant was that the Admiral Agenda could claim that an Admiral must be comparable to a Yonko if such a balance is to exist.

Of course, when Big Mom and Kaido were about to join forces, we saw the flaw in this narrative: the Marines were panicked.

This narrative does not take into consideration that since the Yonko fight amongst each other, their net military force actually cancels out a lot. Or that characters like Garp and Sengoku also exist on the Marines' side.

2. The World Government is the End of Series (EoS) big bad. Since the Marines are the combat arm of the World Government and the Admirals are the strongest Marines, it would mean whatever you scale EoS Luffy to must be able to extreme diff with the top dog Fleet Admiral at the time and that they don't have any other secret fighters.

This narrative required them to believe that the Gorosei are just pencil-pushing politicians and aren't capable of putting up their own fight.

But as the plot unfolded further, characters like Imu were revealed along with the Gorosei, who were revealed to be immortal conquerors, all being warrior gods and having awakened fruits (or maybe just straight up being demons).

The narrative importance the community ascribed to the Admirals further dwindled. They're not even the EoS villains anymore.

This form of narrative scaling allowed the Admiral Agenda to get away with claiming feats over a 70-year-old cancer-ridden old man who could barely use Haki properly, who they had to further weaken by tricking his own teammate to stab him, or even beating commanders who were only deathly injured or emotionally distraught and distracted when they haven't even beaten a single healthy commander.

But as the plot unfolds, the Admirals find themselves more and more without any narrative hold in the story. Now all they have is "maybe the Admirals will rebel," ignoring that the Admirals would get brutally murdered if they do by the true EoS villains.

This isn't even counting the humiliations they've suffered ever since Wano ended in terms of actual feats.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
The five elders have completed the three main objectives they came to egghead for being. Securing punk records, the Mother Flame, and ensuring York is safe. They also disabled all 50 Pacifistas, as you mentioned. Not only that, but they have also freed and saved the Seraphim and CP agents who were held hostage at egghead. This also doesn't include vegapunks death, which was a team effort. Outside of one-panel clashes, the strawhats constantly get dominated by them in fights like with Sanji multiple times. Luffy even needed multiple food breaks to spam Gear 5 since that's the only form he can handle them in. While compared to Kizaru, he was taken down with one attack and has been down for several hours in universe.
Punk Records, York and the Mother Flame were never in danger
The CP agents were more safe in captivity lol

I won't even bother with rest of your drivel you simply a braindead Yonkopleb