Anybody wants stupid theories to come true because the series sucks anyway?

I remember a few years ago liking the show (]maybe more because of personal reasons than it actually being that great).
But after realising how it never was that good and it going downhill even more the last two years or so, I kinda want things like dad for one or back-u-go to come true.
Yeah its retarded but if the show sucks anyways these things would be fun in a retarded kind of way.
If the show just ends and doesnt improve it will be boring, these stupid theories atleast comming true will give something to laugh and remember.
(And who knows, with Bakugos eyes glowing at the end, maybe he is about to timetravel to ruin the plot, Saitama style)
>section MHA
>thinks its OP

how does this happen

Reading: Score Zero.

To the actual topic of this thread: Yeah I am quite sad how MhA is seemingly ending now with a final fight, that wanted to start with an emotional death and insane power ups, that the MC never comments on and just uses... Hopefully that changes soon. Theory, that will turn the series even worse: There still is another traitor in the hero academy. The current traitor plot line is already solved and was quite boring, since the character (laser guy) did not even matter to me, I did not even like the style in which his eyes where drawn/ it was a general annoyance to see that character pretending to be important.