Anyone Here Reads Jojolion?


Gorosei Informer

Any fellow fans and readers of Jojolion here?

I believe its ending with this month's chapter too? For anyone who also is curious to read it and binge it too?

I was thinking to create a general discussion thread for it here, with anything goes but with spoilers put in spoiler tags ofc?

I can also answer questions for anyone curious about it and on getting into Jojo or particularly Jojolion in general?

Gorosei Informer

I read up to the latest chapter, so sad it's ending so soon. Did not expect honestly.
Ah nice one! Yeah the announcement just came out of nowhere but I felt we were heading towards the end for a while.

Theres still so many questions to answer and unresolved plot points and missing characters, I wonder how Araki intends to wrap this up in just one chapter, if he can even?

Speaking of which, how did the last part of the latest chapter with the "guard rail moment" get you? That was such a shock and so horrifying! True Jojo moment! LOL

How do you feel about Jojolion overall too especially with it ending now?

I really feel so bittersweet about it, I wanted it to end as I was fed up of waiting for answers but this might be the final Jojo part given Arakis age too?
He might still carry on working like Rumiko Takahashi does, with a new and
maybe final 9th part thats also monthly?
I really cant see the entire series ending like this, it's too abrupt.

What is the deal with Lucy and this guard rail moment, why is this happening now too right at the end? So perplexing...
At least we'll find out in a week or so?

I gotta say as a whole though, Ive enjoyed Jojolion and its unique pace, style and such too. The Head Doctor was great too imo but also Damos arc, Kaato, John, meeting Rei and his character etc.

Gorosei Informer

I've read it, its been a ride. The last chapter was unexpected with it being a flashback but great to see that we got introduced to sbr universe version of joseph
That's awesome! I gotta check out that last chapter too, sounds promising!

It sounds like what some others said that this is gonna lead into Part 9 and with that Part 9 confirmation now, it does make sense then?