Attack on titan critiques

Well, I think the plot of everyone being lied too about humanity being nearly all but dead is highly contradictive at best and at worse story breaking
the nobles seemed unaware despite later being portrayed to know also timeline makes no sense considering king fritz or reiss (story couldt decide what they wanted his name to be) was said to have created the wall to keep titans out yet somehow later on suddenly everyone everywhere just knows the real story that the people on the island just were not privy too cause reasons

It's also stupid that ymir has the same name as her ancestor ymir fritz, I mean why have two characters that are entirely unrelated share a first name and why does reiner never make a comment on this considering how much indoctrination that his people go though on marley. almost like the ymir backstory with her fusing with some weird alien that was never explained was made up later after the fact
The fact it was not planned is quite obvious too when you consider the detail of only nine titans being able to hold human consciousness would be contradicted cause eren lost control and connie's mom still retained control aswell recognizing her son even

There's also stupid character choices that make no sense like ymir choosing reiner over krista when they literally want to kill her and claim her titan powers, She helped them over the girl who she was willing to die for and apparently wanted to marry cause they needed to live and bertolt was not allowed to transform into colossus titan so to automatically eliminate the fodder titans mawing down on the armored titan

There's also stupid stuff in post time skip like alot, Yknow the attack titan or eren's titan form suddenly have the power to see the future wonder why he didt use that to figure out who the armored titan or the female titan was guess the attack titan's power just didt work then or why didt he use it to see that the jaw titan was going to shoot him with a cannon? Maybe cause writer man didt know how broken that power actually would be

Another stupid thing being, Kenny and his gang had guns yet it's portrayed like the maryans are advanced cause they have guns, Did kenny just never have a gun now or something

Part of what was great about the kyojin/titans are the fact, they are said as natural predators to mankind and the fact that titans look alike humans just lent itself well to the commentary of how humans are brutal monsters, the only thing that can predate on a human is a giant human. thematically it just worked though later on it was about borders and racism so kinda renders alot of season 1 moot
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