AoT was amazing until alliance shit and then it had one of the worst endings in any media. Even probably worse than GoT.
The ending literally shat on established characters and plot. Now rewatching/rereading every previous good moment feels like shit because knowing where the plot goes down and how shit characters becomes and that all of this was meaningless.
Meanwhile one piece is just there. Nothing special just white bread of manga/anime. It not meant to be written good nor it has any deep characters. Its only strength is an active community and active discussions.
AoT is like eating and enjoying
chocolate ice cream, just for the chef to come and tell you that it's
frozen shit with bunch of sweet toppings to mask the flavor.
While One Piece is just eating a
white bread.
It all depends on whether you can forget that you just ate shit and believe that it was worth it because you enjoyed eating it.
Or that if you enjoy eating white bread.