Speculations Avallo Pizarro/Blackbeard/Vegapunk used My Lines

Hi Worstgen,

I posted content on here about 2 years ago that was locked and removed or whatever happens to the content they don't like to show. I went through it to see where the post is, but I'm having difficulty finding it. It might be gone entirely.

However... There were a few occasions where the writer used my exact words that I used here on this forum. It's very odd to me that these things happened.

1) Blackbeard told Law, "The benefits outweigh the risks" when Law strategized to throw him and his crewmembers into the sea.

2) Avallo Pizarro proclaimed, "In the papers, all you see is, "Blackbeard this!" And "Blackbeard that!"" and continued to rant about how him and the other crewmembers intend to make names of their own.

3) Vegapunk predicted his own death and told dragon, "I think I may die soon. I just wanted you to know that... Dragon!!!"

I predicted all three of these events occuring. As weird as the situations are...

I will continue searching for the content in the forum archives to see if it's still here. So, we can all bask in the amazing insight this place has to offer. But, yeah, it got removed because everyone thought those ideas were ridiculous and people argued. They're here. I promise. They just got locked or put onto the ground floor or something. Idk where they went. 😔

The author, Eichiro Oda, DEFINITELY reads the content on this website. That's the likely thing. The unlikely thing is me and him think so similarly that he came up with the same shit. But, I don't think that's true- instead the mf has been observing the site and took my gdamn words.


This isn't the first time a writer or storyboard artist has used my ideas! I have contributed to ideas on Adventure Time, too. 😑 It's a kids show. But, I'm always so unrelated that they don't even mention me whenever they take my ideas or words!

I had an interview with the storyboard artists and executive producers of that show.


There was other stuff I talked about like how if Luffy is a creation God then he might be like Sun Wukong and be able to make things out of his hair, but I thought that was nuts at the time.

Then, I talked about how the likely progression for Luffy is aviation related because his previous attacks were things like, "rocket punch" and when he was fighting Doflamingo he was using engineering ideas with warmachines.

... Then Luffy made aviation goggles out of his own hair and used a torpedo-like attack on Lucci.
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