Multiverse General Battle Tier List Analysis

I'm making my own tier list on this section in comparison to the vs battle wiki. But I won't being include things like country level since that has more so to do with the people in it than it those the actual structure. Also I won't be including sizes like small or large since they don't matter at the end of the day unless we are specifically speaking about planets and stars.
Physical Attributes & Destructive Power
10th Tier
9th Tier
- Wall
- Building
- City block
8th Tier
- Village
- Town
- City
7th Tier
- Mountain
- Islet
- Island
6th Tier
- Continental
- Multi-continental(the planet's core)
5th Tier
- Dwarf planet
- Planetary(terrestrial planets)
- Large Planetary(jovian planets)
4th Tier
- Dwarf star
- Star(our sun)
- Big star
3rd Tier
- Star system
2nd Tier
- Galaxy
1st Tier
- Cosmic(universal)
∞ Tier
- Multi-universal(boundless)
Hypersonic(Mach 5-10)
High Hypersonic(Mach 10-25)
Speed of light

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Multi-Continent implies two or more continents on a planet's surface, specifically Earth.

Destruction of a planet's core most likely yields a higher result, depending on its size as well as the method of destruction used for it. Wouldn't the planet itself also end up getting destroyed if the core ended up getting destroyed though?

Now that I think about this thread a bit, @PrimordialGod95
I'm not the biggest fan of tier lists and ranks for a battledome section because tbh its existence leads to drama, petty arguments that spiral out of control, and even youtube shenanigans

Its also unoriginal
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Section here is a bit of a wasteland. It needs actual respect threads (or something similar) and general explanation threads rather than a tier list that's been plaigarized multiple times over for years over.
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Two most silliest names ever conceived for a tier because beyond dimensional yada
But there are characters which are clearly above Multiverse level. For example the Umineko witches/ Featherine which is above even these witches. Every of these witches stand beyond the city of books (an infinite library) and Kakeras which are multiverses. So what are they now? Mutliversal with just infinte dimensional powers?
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But there are characters which are clearly above Multiverse level. For example the Umineko witches/ Featherine which is above even these witches. Every of these witches stand beyond the city of books (an infinite library) and Kakeras which are multiverses. So what are they now? Mutliversal with just infinte dimensional powers?
I was just being silly with that previous post. No need to take it literally.

Sure, there are characters that are above and beyond Multiverse level (Umineko is a major example), but these characters rarely, if ever, get used in any sort of VS matchups. The vast majority of these "beyond-dimensional" characters are brought up primarily because almost all of them qualify for "Outerverse level" (or something along those lines).

These characters rarely end up in versus matchups because their power levels are so far removed from almost every other verse. It’s understandable why they are mentioned in theoretical discussions, but when it comes to actual matchups, the fight becomes lopsided or even pointless against the vast majority of existing characters from other verses.

Since these characters exist in a league of their own, they don't often appear in debates because they break the usual power-scaling rules typically applied to pretty much every vs matchup..

But the real work comes from analyzing and creating definitions for Hyperversal and Outerversal (who even created that name anyways) and all that crap.
Umineko is a major example)
But by far not the only one. Lovecrafts pantheon of Outer Gods are also Outerverse Level. Or the ones of Shin Megami Tensei, DC Comics/Vertigo Comics Demonbane,Dies Irea etc. I would add Marvel but they nerfed the One Above All so hard to multiversal level,it's sad to watch.:josad:
No need to take it literally.
Just asking questions. Maybe I was so out of touch for so long and outerversal powers ain't a thing anymore.
Since these characters exist in a league of their own, they don't often appear in debates because they break the usual power-scaling rules typically applied to pretty much every vs matchup.
Agree,they can only be debatet if someone like Featherine breaks even the Outerversal level by being so close to creator level even Outerversal Gods can't touch her anymore.xD
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Which version of superman because most of them can beat her?
At 3:08 Seth gets deeper into B.B's feats and about a bit into the video B.B was mentioned as having broken into to the final level of the Moon Cell, which is supposed to be 8-dimensional?

The servants that defeated B.B should scale to her, so that leads to the servants in the Moon Cell being 8D...

Later in the video Seth brings up some things about Assassins's three simultaneous slashes being beyond the concept of's just a bit silly.
At 3:08 Seth gets deeper into B.B's feats and about a bit into the video B.B was mentioned as having broken into to the final level of the Moon Cell, which is supposed to be 8-dimensional?

The servants that defeated B.B should scale to her, so that leads to the servants in the Moon Cell being 8D...

Later in the video Seth brings up some things about Assassins's three simultaneous slashes being beyond the concept of's just a bit silly.
ok I see the what the problem is a very few authors like to use dimensional theory in their fictional verse to make them seem more powerful than they actually are. Is he implying saber is 8th dimensional being?
ok I see the what the problem is a very few authors like to use dimensional theory in their fictional verse to make them seem more powerful than they actually are. Is he implying saber is 8th dimensional being?
Supposedly, every game and story in Type-Moon is supposed to be canon, which leads to some of the feats in the main story being outright nonsensical at times.

I managed to get the transcript for that entire video, so let's see what I can find.
Here's the entire transcript from Seth's Fate powerscaling vid. It's a tremendous amount of text.
Fate, often considered to be one of the most convoluted and expansive anime to ever exist, has convoluted and expansive anime powers, I would have thought. But many people don't know just the level that this reaches and why it makes most of the most famous powerhouses in fiction actually seem like nothing in comparison.

Servants in Fate are usually based on mythological entities or concepts, brought to reality by an omnipotent wishing device known as the Holy Grail. These servants are usually capable of destroying almost entire armies on their own, changing the fate of the world, and destroying pretty much anything on it. Some of these characters reach levels of godhood and form the very foundations of humanity, wisdom, power, and many other things. Saber, being the most popular servant obviously, is the one I wanted to focus on, and while she may not seem like an extreme god-tier threat even within her own series like maybe Gilgamesh or something, she does in fact actually scale to these entities and is considered a top representative of their universe.

A big roadblock with scaling Fate or Saber, and difficulty with me explaining why Saber would absolutely destroy Goku, Superman, SpongeBob, or whoever, is that servants in Fate are heavily restricted in what they're actually allowed to do when they appear. Not necessarily in their power, even though that can be the case, but their effects on the environment or planet are limited to a level that you wouldn't see in a normal show. For instance, in Dragon Ball, when Vegeta wants to blow up the planet, he can, right? He has enough power to do it, nothing’s stopping him. Same goes with Frieza or Kaguya from Naruto or Superman from DC or Yhwach from Bleach or literally SpongeBob SquarePants with a string.

But in Fate, destroying a planet or something requires more than it would take to destroy a planet because the planet itself is actually protected by a higher entity that restricts these omnipotently born servants from impacting its fate. And it's kind of the name of the show. This is because of a phenomenon called the Counter Force, which is basically the will of the Earth itself that defends it. Good proof of this, outside the obvious I just showed on the screen, is that we actually see servants in other media, all media being basically canon for Fate. I'm not joking, the mobile game, every video game, every visual novel, anime, it's all canon. Servants from these games actually scale to the ones in the show, sometimes being even weaker or stronger, but that's just sort of a basic-level breakdown. Servants can easily destroy fortresses, mountains, and fight crazy god-like beings that can easily destroy a planet.

But Nasu, the author of the Fate-verse, goes a step beyond that into a level of bat-crazy for no reason that unironically makes Saber one of the strongest characters in all of fiction, period. Making these Fate servants become something you'd see more from a Cthulhu Eldritch deity and not an anime girl—well, some of these anime girls are actually pretty much Eldritch deities, but it’s confusing anyway.

The baseline for strong Fate scaling is usually considered to be around when a character named BB is introduced. BB is a backup AI programmed by another character named Sakura that is so powerful that it can hack into and manipulate reality itself. The way it does this is by hacking into and absorbing a construct called the Moon Cell. The Moon Cell is a supercomputer, often considered on the level of the omnipotent Holy Grails. And this supercomputer's purpose is to record all things that have ever occurred and can manipulate the laws of physics, view the past, present, and future of the universe, and even collapse dead parallel universes entirely from the multiverse.

BB then obtains all these abilities by breaking into the final barrier of this Moon Cell, which is 8th dimensional in nature. As a reminder, our universe is three- to four-dimensional, and anything beyond the fifth would view us as fiction or non-existent in comparison to it. BB not only reaches this fifth level but the 8th dimension by doing so. BB is then later defeated by the servants in Fate/Extra, which would be Saber Nero, Caster Tamamo, Archer Emiya, and Gilgamesh. Saber Nero is pretty much just a weaker red Artoria, which is later proven in Fate/Extella when Artoria is summoned into the war between Nero and Tamamo from the Moon Cell to stop them.

Even if she isn't stronger or weaker, she is at least relative enough to face these servants that possibly halted the plans of an 8th-dimensional reality-warping entity. Normally, my skepticism would then kick in here, and I would say, "What if this 8th-dimensional construct is a barrier literally made with eight separate dimensions acting as a wall rather than an 8th-dimensional mathematical concept or principle?" However, when you read all of Fate's materials, you'll begin to see that its author and the many characters do mention actual dimensional theory quite literally many times. Mania is actually in Nasu's knowledge and ability to then write these mathematical concepts without a lot of headcanon or assumptions involved. Example: the very first mention of dimensional theory is in Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero, which I'll show on the screen now. And these two are the first Fates ever, so Nasu has known about these theories for a long time.

Nasu is known for doing a lot of research on the history of his servants and characters as well, and Plato is literally a servant who kind of, you know, made things like Platonic concepts, etc. You get it.

Anyway, Heroic Spirits ascended the Throne of Heroes, which resides within the swirl of roots or Akasha records. And the root is basically so complex and above all else that the author believes that even describing it in any concept or terms is actually doing a disservice. He actually believes that there is no way to word it without even downplaying it. It is always just blank or beyond our comprehension entirely, beyond the concepts of space and time, beyond concepts pretty much, period. Even outside of the story, it can't be explained. So these servants then, born from it, can do crazy things, or even trying to tap into it can also do crazy things—who would have thought?

But Saber’s only purpose was not to stop the servants from fighting after BB. When she was summoned by the Moon Cell, her true purpose was to stop a being known as Safar, who's kind of like Fate's Galactus. The same servants that defeat BB could only barely scratch Safar, while Artoria as a servant is considered on a completely different level, and she simply Excaliburs Safar away in numerous timelines. Safar, in her Avatar body known as Altera, swings around the Sword of Mars, which is stated to be the embodiment of the concept of cutting, which will become important for these servants in the next point.

One thing Saber actually does that might be a little mind-blowing and potentially, it caught me off guard when I researched into it unintentionally because of how absurd it is. Do you remember when Saber fought this guy? He's kind of a nothing character, almost, right? Very overshadowed by characters like Hercules and Gilgamesh inside the Fifth Holy Grail War. But what if I told you this dude himself would probably slam any version of Goku ever thought of in existence?

This guy, with a very unique swordplay of his that Saber can counter somehow—and I don't know how she does this so don't ask—she's just that plot-amped and broken, which is what I'm trying to tell y'all. But this technique, known as the Tsubame Gaeshi, breaks the rules of reality and allows Assassin Kojiro to disregard the concepts of space and time entirely via applications of something called the Second True Magic, the multidimensional refraction phenomenon, more commonly known as the Kaleidoscope. The True Magics are different from standard magecraft, as they are only obtained by maguses who have touched the Root itself, the thing that made all things, that is beyond all things.

While fighting this Assassin, Kojiro is on such a different level that the visual novel describes Kojiro’s slashes as being beyond Saber’s ability to literally perceive attacks from the future. And I'll go into that a little bit more later in the speed part. But after he uses his true skill finally, which is beyond the concepts of space and time, she actually survives three slashes from him. He's not even trying to spare her either and is clearly slashing her on a level that should insta-kill her. That she survives, somehow. So, I don't know how to explain how she survived, but take that as you will, that is a thing that happened.

I think it's important to bring this up because if you were to say, have a Bleach character try to slash at Saber, she can survive three slashes beyond the very concepts of space and time, beyond an infinitely dimensional scale, then they would literally just never be able to do anything to her, ever. Now, like I said, I'm not sure how intentional it was for her body to remain intact from literal outer-versal slashes, but like I said, consider the following: Saber is actually suppressed during this encounter, as her sword is invisible, which nerfs her sword's power and her own, as she has to focus on the technique. But later she rematches Kojiro, and Kojiro tries to do the same three slashes again, which by the way is further confirmation that her body somehow tanked these beyond-dimension slashes from cutting through her body all the way or decapitating her. But even when she activates her sword, she is able to outspeed the attack which has already been thrown three times, or she is perceiving it now in the future even though it is beyond time. But he does swing it at least once, and she outspeeds it.

Remember, this slash is beyond the concept of speed entirely, meaning she just outsped the concept of speed. Meaning anything bound by speed might not even be able to ever touch her. How stupid is that? And this is originally because, in the visual novel, the original Kojiro was supposed to be nerfed when he used this attack. However, in the anime that Nasu approves of, there is no indication he has the same nerf, so that was probably an oversight, but kind of a nasty one.

Before we get into her speed, there's one last discussion with her attack power that has to be discussed before moving on, that being Artoria with Avalon and her battles against Gilgamesh’s Ea and his Noble Phantasm Enuma Elish. This is significant because Ea is described numerous times as being able to destroy all of creation, which is described as "the world." Now, this wouldn't include Root, as Root would be beyond the world, as the world is just Earth. That Root is clearly above, as it’s above every universe, timeline, or whatever that has Earth in it. But regardless, the short answer is that Excalibur isn’t really ever comparable to Ea without special conditions.

Excalibur only enters the pinnacle of Noble Phantasms when it's in a situation where its purpose as the Last Phantasm of the planet comes into play against an outside danger that threatens the world itself, basically making her amped by the same force that I described earlier that makes the planet able to withstand attacks from higher-dimensional servants without exploding all the time. In Fate/Stay Night, when Excalibur and Ea clash—the most famous of these clashes that make most people comment on this in general—Gilgamesh was clearly taking it easy while Artoria was desperately struggling, even calling the clash of their powers "boring" before easily eclipsing her power and then defeating her.

Artoria is only able to overcome Gilgamesh in this route by basically catching him off guard with Avalon. Another counter to Excalibur being on par with Gilgamesh is Artoria’s summoning in Fate/Extella, where she should be stronger, to stop the war between Nero and Tamamo alongside the destruction of Safar. The only other servants that are suggested to be on the same level or grade as Artoria are the other two kings from Fate/Zero, Alexander and Gilgamesh. And we see this more powerful version of Saber and more serious Gilgamesh face off once again, with the result being similar to their first fight back in Fate/Stay Night, with Gilgamesh’s victory.

In terms of her speed, Saber is capable of facing entities such as Tamamo, as previously mentioned in Extella. The same Tamamo from Extra, who has the ability to, while weaker than the version of Saber, can apparently deal with casually running backwards in time like a Looney Tunes character to train herself to beat someone she was weaker than. Tamamo basically trained for a thousand years and after regaining her power via growing back all nine of her tails, she proceeds to run back in time and just kicks the Moon Cell and shuts it down, stopping it from erasing the protagonist of the game. And even with this, Saber is considered more scary than her and is pretty much the trump card servant in Extra or Extella, outside of, like, Gilgamesh or something.

Due to this, it may be highly likely Artoria can face beings that can pretty easily just travel through time with speed. And even BB, who was able to manipulate the past, present, and future at the same time with her abilities, couldn’t negate the servants she was facing. That, alongside that Kojiro slash you can somewhat react to, apparently, that is beyond the concept of speed, kind of makes you wonder.

Now that we’ve established her stats, some unique abilities she possesses are things such as the ability to erase things from existence with her attacks, including concepts themselves—even beings that represent these concepts. The best example of this is the demon pillars from Fate/Grand Order, which are just literally living concepts, and every single servant can pretty much mess these things up. She also possesses Avalon, which is the sheath of her sword, which withholds a sixth-dimensional realm, and she can immediately transport herself to whenever she wants. That can’t be fallen into without six-dimensional or above manipulation. It also grants her insane regeneration, which can regenerate entire vital organs, like when Shirou regenerates his entire heart or when Kiritsugu gets absolutely obliterated and just comes back like nothing happened.

So she is pretty much unable to die as long as she has this Avalon. Outside of Avalon, she possesses the ability to passively absorb and take fake souls from people's bodies, kind of like a Bleach Espada, to regain her powers. So even ghosts or spirits would be susceptible to her almost infinite stamina in her presence. But she could also destroy the concepts of them to begin with. Due to her luck stat, she is able to nullify causality and even manipulate fate itself to her favor, and this is best shown with her fight versus Lancer in Stay Night.

Lancer throws his Noble Phantasm known as Gáe Bolg. This Noble Phantasm manipulates causality so that once it’s activated, you are already stabbed by it, even before it is thrown, which gives the illusion it always lands after being thrown when it has already landed. But due to Artoria's luck stat and ability to manipulate this, she can actually deflect an attack which is literally just appearing into her heart instantly somehow. This luck, alongside her instinct, pretty much always directs her to the optimal path in combat, even when things are supposed to happen no matter what.

She also shoots giant anime lasers, which is no joke. Out of everything listed here, it’s stated to be her most powerful ability, somehow stronger than the ability to erase concepts, fight on eighth-dimensional levels, fight beings that can run through time, have six-dimensional regeneration or teleportation—nope, shooting the laser is apparently stronger.

So, with all of this in mind, regarding the power of Artoria or Saber from Fate, do you guys kind of believe me now that she can pretty much take anybody in fiction? Really, only a handful of people could ever really fight her, as you would need a very niche or particular description of abilities to actually be on that level. It usually takes something, you know, like DC Comics, which has been going on for almost a hundred years, or Fate, which has so many different mediums of information, to eventually just reach such an absurd level where it says something crazy like that.

So it's not that much of a shocker, but as someone who loved these anime a while back, it was really interesting learning that she was actually capable of all that, and I was pretty surprised.

But anyways, guys, hope you enjoyed the video, and I'll see you next time.
I highlighted the Important points in the transcript in different colors, alongside a breakdown of the text in point form matching the colors of the highlighted text.
  • Destroying a planet in Fate requires more energy than usual due to protection by a higher entity.
  • This protection restricts omnipotent servants from directly affecting the planet's fate.
  • The planet is defended by a phenomenon called the Counter Force, which represents the Earth's will.
  • All media in the Fate universe (mobile games, visual novels, anime, etc.) is considered canon.
  • Servants in different media are comparable to those in the main series, with some being weaker or stronger.
  • Servants can destroy fortresses, mountains, and fight god-like beings capable of planet-level destruction.

  • The baseline for strong Fate scaling begins with the introduction of BB, a backup AI created by Sakura.
  • BB can hack and manipulate reality by absorbing the Moon Cell, a supercomputer on par with the omnipotent Holy Grails.
  • The Moon Cell records all events, manipulates the laws of physics, views the past, present, and future, and can collapse dead parallel universes.
  • BB breaks through the final barrier of the Moon Cell, which is 8th-dimensional, far beyond our 3rd or 4th-dimensional universe.
  • Reaching the 8th dimension means BB has access to abilities far beyond human comprehension.
  • BB is eventually defeated by servants like Saber Nero, Caster Tamamo, Archer Emiya, and Gilgamesh in Fate/Extra.
  • Saber Nero is seen as a weaker version of Artoria but relative in power, as demonstrated in Fate/Extella when Artoria is summoned to stop Nero and Tamamo.
  • There is skepticism about whether the "8th dimension" is a literal construct made of eight dimensions or a mathematical principle.

  • Saber’s role was not just to stop the servants from fighting after BB; she was summoned by the Moon Cell to stop Safar
  • The same servants that defeated BB barely scratched Safar, while Artoria, on a completely different level, easily defeats Safar with Excalibur across numerous timelines.
  • Safar, in her Avatar body known as Altera, wields the Sword of Mars, the embodiment of the concept of cutting, which is significant for future servant battles.
  • Assassin Kojiro uses a unique sword technique, Tsubame Gaeshi, that breaks the rules of reality, allowing him to bypass the concepts of space and time through the application of the Second True Magic (the Kaleidoscope).
  • Kojiro’s slashes are described as so powerful that Saber struggles to perceive attacks coming from the future.
  • Despite being slashed three times by Kojiro’s space-time-breaking technique, Saber survives, though it's unclear how, given the attacks should have killed her instantly.

  • Saber surviving three slashes beyond the concepts of space and time.
  • These slashes occur on an infinitely dimensional scale, making it nearly impossible for most characters to affect her.
  • It's unclear how Saber remained intact after enduring outer-versal slashes, but it's important to note that during the encounter, she was suppressed—her sword was invisible, which weakened both her sword and her own power.
  • In a rematch with Kojiro, Saber successfully counters the same three slashes, further confirming that her body somehow withstood these beyond-dimensional attacks.
  • When Saber later activates her sword, she outspeeds the attack, which has already been thrown multiple times and exists beyond the concept of time itself.
  • This means Saber outspeeds not just Kojiro but the very concept of speed, making her untouchable to anything bound by conventional speed.
  • Originally, Kojiro was supposed to be nerfed when using this technique in the visual novel, but the anime version doesn't indicate this, possibly an oversight.

  • Excalibur only reaches its full potential as the pinnacle of Noble Phantasms when its role as the Last Phantasm of the planet is activated, specifically in situations where the world is threatened by an external danger.
  • This amplification is tied to the same planetary force that allows the Earth to withstand attacks from higher-dimensional servants without constant destruction.
  • In Fate/Stay Night, when Excalibur clashes with Ea, Gilgamesh is clearly holding back while Artoria is struggling, calling the clash "boring" before overpowering and defeating her.
  • Artoria only manages to defeat Gilgamesh by catching him off guard with Avalon.
  • Another counter to Excalibur being on par with Gilgamesh’s Ea is Artoria’s summoning in Fate/Extella, where she is summoned to stop the war between Nero and Tamamo, as well as Safar's destruction.
  • The only other servants suggested to be on the same level as Artoria are the other two kings from Fate/Zero, Alexander and Gilgamesh.
  • In Fate/Extella, a more powerful version of Saber once again faces a more serious Gilgamesh, with the outcome similar to their first fight in Fate/Stay Night, resulting in Gilgamesh’s victory

  • In terms of speed, Saber is able to face powerful entities like Tamamo, as seen in Fate/Extella.
  • The same Tamamo from Fate/Extra, although weaker than Saber, is capable of casually running backward in time to train herself to defeat an opponent she was initially weaker than.
  • Tamamo essentially trains for a thousand years, regains her power by restoring her nine tails, and then runs back in time to kick the Moon Cell, shutting it down to prevent it from erasing the game's protagonist.
  • Despite Tamamo’s impressive feats, Saber is considered more dangerous than her and is viewed as the trump card servant in Fate/Extra and Extella, aside from characters like Gilgamesh.
  • This implies that Artoria may be able to face beings capable of easily traveling through time by sheer speed.
  • Even BB, who can manipulate the past, present, and future simultaneously, couldn't negate the servants she was fighting, including Saber.
  • Combined with the fact that Saber can react to Kojiro's slash, which is beyond the concept of speed, it raises questions about just how far her abilities can reach.

  • Saber's unique abilities include the power to erase things from existence with her attacks, including concepts themselves, and even beings that embody those concepts.
  • An example of this is the demon pillars from Fate/Grand Order, which are living concepts that servants can easily defeat.
  • She also possesses Avalon, the sheath of her sword, which contains a sixth-dimensional realm that she can transport herself to at will. Only beings capable of six-dimensional manipulation or higher can access it.
  • Avalon grants Saber incredible regeneration, allowing her to regenerate vital organs, as seen when Shirou regenerates his heart and Kiritsugu recovers from severe injuries.
  • As long as she has Avalon, Saber is essentially immortal.
  • Saber's high luck stat allows her to nullify causality and manipulate fate, as demonstrated in her fight against Lancer in Fate/Stay Night.
  • Lancer's Noble Phantasm, Gáe Bolg, manipulates causality so that its target is already stabbed before the spear is thrown. Despite this, Saber deflects the attack using her luck and causality manipulation.
  • Her luck, combined with her instinct, helps her always find the optimal path in combat, even when the outcome seems predetermined.

Important points writte in the transcript broken down into point form for easier reading. I have my doubts on the higher-dimensional Moon Cell scaling since the Moon Cell is supposed to be this alien supercomputer that's located on the real-life Moon in their setting, meaning everything that happens in the Moon Cell is a simulation.
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Extra post: I wouldn't mind a tier list for this place, but can it even be used when pretty much all of us don't even have a clue where even the most popular cartoon characters in a series sit at?
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