Best Character's Theme/Song - Round 1 - Bracket 1

Vote for your favourite!

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Adam ๐ŸŽ

Pretty Boy

In this round in this thread we will have 4 Fights!
You have 4 votes!

First Fight

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind OST - Giorno's Theme


Vanitas no Carte - The Teacher's/Shapeless One's Theme - Destiny Waltz

Second Fight

Chrono Trigger - Battle with Magus, Magus's theme


Death Note - (L's Theme A) Music

Third Fight

Pink Panther's Theme Song


Hu Tao Theme - Let the Living Beware

@Adam ๐ŸŽ @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Arondight @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO๐Ÿ… @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @Blackbeard [ @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Enma @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gonโ€™s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosล› @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @m0nst3Rx USER=368]@mad monk[/USER] @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monkey D Theories @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @Playa4321 @Plex @PuckTheGreat @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @Ravagerblade @RayanOO @Reborn @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Rej @Rivaille @Rottkins @Rukusho @Sade @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sallucion @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @ShinichiMugi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @spawn @Thabeast @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Toph @Topi Jerami @Weeman @Welkin @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @ZenZu @Zolo @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi @FloriGlori @Leo @DizzyBrows @uyuu @Ravagerblade @Topi Jerami @Akai2 @EtenBoby @PirateKingDrew @Marimo_420 @Seth @Kucing Pencuri @Dark Hound @Arara @Yukihime @Zoro @zorojurou @Luffy bin Dragon @Senfret @sidestreetboy @PerfectHie @Don DaSlayer @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Nibel @Yelan @ConquistadoR @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SHIHI @Yo Tan Wa @Robin swan @Jorden625 @Monkey D Theories @The White Crane @U c 4 up da idly @Astolfo @MUUGEN @Lax @Queek Hea D Taker @Alpha @ShimonoaZoro971 @mugiwalaw @Konstantis @gamaran @Blackknife @zorojurou @Real94 @Kiwipom @sidestreetboy @hayze moya @djiayebee @Wh1p @Dr_Professor83 @DoctorIndigo @Gladwing0 @Alpha @Adam-san @MonochromeYoru @Zoroe @TheKnightOfTheSea @Shadowlord123 @Seth @Butters @Dark Admiral @notAfanboy @Rottkins @PaulOO @NikaInParis @BangOO๐Ÿ… @NAMELESS @Lhulu @TheAncientCenturion @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Lindltaylor @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @imacub @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Missy @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Doggo @Haoshoku @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut @ConquistadoR @Ekkologix @Zara @Vonal ] @SmokedOut @h_zorothegoat @Adam ๐ŸŽ @Sasparan @Queek Hea D Taker @Fugikage Zoro @Fujishiro @Underworld Broker @Liquidhate @matt245 @Zara @Black_Leg_Wanji @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Kagurashii @Yelan @Fujishiro @Rottkins @Law @Sasparan @BornInAbyss @Nibel @Cross_Marian @MonochromeYoru @park_min young @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Tobra @Kurozumi Seven7 @Emmazrine @CarrotForNakama @Yelan @Cross_Marian @Meeyori @Rottkins @OnePiss @RayanOO @Doggo @Fujishiro @BornInAbyss @AL sama @Marimo_420 @Kagurashii @Jaguark101 @Lindltaylor @Nibel @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Don Diego @park_min young @Hanners220 @SmokedOut @Udell @ConquistadoR @Rรฉmi @NikaInParis @BornInAbyss @Don Diego @MonochromeYoru @Jaguark101 @Kagurashii @AverageNamiEnjoyer@GrandmasterChef Zonji @Shimotsuki Ghostly @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Cross_Marian @Yelan @Nibel @MonochromeYoru Clowns[/USER] @Jaguark101 @KINGKONGGUN15 @Nibel @Tobra @Vonal @ShiShiShi @Gehrman @Vanellope Lhea @MonochromeYoru @Udell @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Kurozumi Seven7 @Mashiro Blue @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Monarch @Natalija @Flower @Lindltaylor @Junatic @Lhulu @Dr_Professor83 @Maschenny @Nibel @Apollo

Gorosei Informer

Giorno's theme how original.


10/10 for whoever thought of Pink Panther though lmao.


Kira's theme vs Vegeta's is fucking brutal though, godamn! That's like choosing between the 2 finalists! Can't decide!

Post automatically merged:

Holy fuck I forgot L's theme is Tubular Bells remixed/inspired too or w/e lmao.

Chrono Trigger is an inspired choice in a good way too, nice to see that represented as well!

Gorosei Informer

Aw man even the Chrono Trigger one I'm struggling now too. I went for L's theme but Magus's theme is actually really good too. Now I've listened to it properly, there are parts of it I really like, bah!
Once again I'm stuck choosing between 2 really good entries like Kira and Vegeta! This contest is intense already lmao.

Gorosei Informer

I just remembered the irony of what my entry is now too...Oh dear...

I can't say what it is but by the time the contest is over, you guys will know too LOL!


I got an absolute banger for best opening if we do another one soon too!
I just remembered the irony of what my entry is now too...Oh dear...

I can't say what it is but by the time the contest is over, you guys will know too LOL!


I got an absolute banger for best opening if we do another one soon too!
Looking forward to hearing it!

As for me, I kinda suck at these, although my Sherlock Holmes intelligence entry got pretty high, my other entry got eliminated in the first round, and I fear this game will be the same ๐Ÿ˜…

It's still fun though!

Gorosei Informer

Looking forward to hearing it!

As for me, I kinda suck at these, although my Sherlock Holmes intelligence entry got pretty high, my other entry got eliminated in the first round, and I fear this game will be the same ๐Ÿ˜…

It's still fun though!
Aye no worries! Most of these I didn't do well in, despite being really passionate about my entries and thinking I made great choices but alas...My best I ever did was 4th with "The Best Is Yet To Come" from Metal Gear Solid, I was REALLY happy about that naturally! Very proud!

I've had quite a few first round entries including last contest I believe, so I can relate there too! Some certain other users have been upset their entries have been eliminated first round too, especially on more than one occassion but I guess thats just the nature of these contests, some entries have to be eliminated each round unfortunately ofc!

Aye its definitely still fun though, I enjoy these a lot usually. They are such a great idea for here and missed a lot when they aren't being run either. At least by myself haha. I could offer to run them but Idk if I'd do a good job and I think there are others like Adam and Light who do a much better job ofc. Light is the veteran/expert at these especially! Adam has inherited the torch from him thankfully and doing a great job too!
I appreciate that despite the various issues in the past too, these guys haven't given up on these entirely either and still keep them going!


Light D Lamperouge

๐–‚๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐•ฎ๐–”๐–š๐–‘๐–‰ ๐•ณ๐–†๐–›๐–Š ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–Š๐–“
Two types of people in this world:
1) Those that love Jojo
2) Those that haven't seen it yet:endthis:
It's true I haven't seen JoJo lol, but to be honest I was moreso talking about the music and the themes. I don't get the JoJo music hype. Over the years I've encountered dozens upon dozens of JoJo songs while hosting these and genuinely liked a scant few. Not to mention that I am pretty sure at least one of these had already won in the past and/or been in the finals. Having said that, one likes what one likes, I don't really question people on why they like something often, because it is entirely subjective and I respect that.
Aye no worries! Most of these I didn't do well in, despite being really passionate about my entries and thinking I made great choices but alas...My best I ever did was 4th with "The Best Is Yet To Come" from Metal Gear Solid, I was REALLY happy about that naturally! Very proud!

I've had quite a few first round entries including last contest I believe, so I can relate there too! Some certain other users have been upset their entries have been eliminated first round too, especially on more than one occassion but I guess thats just the nature of these contests, some entries have to be eliminated each round unfortunately ofc!

Aye its definitely still fun though, I enjoy these a lot usually. They are such a great idea for here and missed a lot when they aren't being run either. At least by myself haha. I could offer to run them but Idk if I'd do a good job and I think there are others like Adam and Light who do a much better job ofc. Light is the veteran/expert at these especially! Adam has inherited the torch from him thankfully and doing a great job too!
I appreciate that despite the various issues in the past too, these guys haven't given up on these entirely either and still keep them going!

Yeah, I appreciate the effort from both those who host the games and also the players!
Two types of people in this world:
1) Those that love Jojo
2) Those that haven't seen it yet:endthis:
I've seen some JoJo, I liked the first JoJo dude (Jotaro's granddad I guess), but Jotaro himself was a little meh to me as a character (way to treat your mom, wtf dude) so I watched 1 season and kinda gave up on it.
To me it's something niche, I understand the fans, but I myself am not much of a fan.