Speculations Blackbeard wants the Celestials Dragon tribute, NOT to actually be invited to Reverie

It doesn’t make sense that Blackbeard expects to ever be invited to Reverie yet it’s clear the only reason he wants to become a member of the WG is to access the Mariejois. (Btw in case you forgot, the WG is made up of over 100 countries but only 50 countries get invited to any particular Reverie, so it’s possible for WG member countries to NEVER be invited)

But what’s the one thing that EVERY WG member country has to do no matter if they get invited to Reverie or not, they have to pay the Tribute.

This tribute creates a DIRECT route from every WG nation to the Celestial dragons. We don’t know if there are Specialized WG ships that go country to country to collect. We don’t know if it’s Marines who go around collecting it. We don’t know if each country itself has to travel to like the Redline or something to deposit the tribute. But whichever the method, the point remains, this is the ONE tangible route between any country and Celestial dragons.

Teach knows that even if he blackmailed his way into becoming a WG nation, they would not resist demanding Celestial tribute from him. They are too greedy and would probably think they are humiliating him. They will obviously never invite him to reverie but they will gladly take his money as tribute. Teach wants them to join the WG so that they come for their money, and he follows the route back to the source.

Either Teach will land on like the actual vault with All the Celstial dragon’s money which is hidden in some unknown place or he will find whichever secret passage they use to take all the money to Mariejois without being robbed on transit.

Whichever one it is, he will capitalize on it somehow to come out on top of the celestials dragons.