Break Week Captain Zoro


  1. If luffy never saved zoro and he survived some other way somehow. Could he have been able to gather a crew as impressive as the strawhats?
  2. Could zoro have had luffy join him if roles were reversed?
  3. If luffy died would zoro be able to lead the crew from that point forward? How long?
1. Maybe, not as good as the SHs because he doesn't have what makes Luffy special. He would still have some good crewmates but not as good as the current SHs imo.

2. It really depends, if they role were switched, and if Luffy was ok with being a subordinate, he might be able to.

3. If all the plot armor that Luffy has goes to Zoro, definitely.
1. No, SHs are for most of them the best in their own field
2. Luffy didn't want to follow Ace or Sabo, so no
3. No they will disband it is clear they are here for help Luffy to achieve his dream

Garp the Fist

1. He wouldn’t want to. If he wanted a crew he’d have still been going around with Johnny and Yosaku at the start of the season.

2. No one on earth could make Luffy join them instead of being captain after he got his strawhat from Shanks

3. depends on the circumstances of Luffy’s death. If it’s a Roger style, “we’ve done what we’ve set out to do”, then the crew wouldn’t need to keep together.

If it was an Oden style murder of Luffy, Zoro would lead them in seeking revenge. After the revenge was achieved, probably disband.
-Zoro would have no reason to be a pirate, soo there would be no reason to gather a crew.
-No, Luffy wants to be pirate king, soo its important he is the captain.
-Unlikely, they would avenge Luffy but i dont see any reason for them to keep togheter after that, Luffy's goal is kinda what unifies them after all.

Zoro would be much like Mihawk lone wandering swordsman
2. No i don't think Luffy would serve under anyone else it was his dream since he was young to be pirate captain of his own crew
3. Zoro would do a great job he has qualities of being a great leader, it's possible though unless he was entrusted to take over from Luffy himself he would leave the crew pursue his own goals.
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1-Here two things his crew would have been like ace and later he would have join a younko who wants the op and behaves like him/luffy or he would keep his journey alone and create a huge fleet with all the pirates he defeated
2-no luffy is not that kind of character
3-I Don't think so zoro Sanji or any other character wouldn't have the feeling to continue the journey or keep together since luffy is they main reason they are there
they will disband


Zoro Worshipper

  1. If luffy never saved zoro and he survived some other way somehow. Could he have been able to gather a crew as impressive as the strawhats?
  2. Could zoro have had luffy join him if roles were reversed?
  3. If luffy died would zoro be able to lead the crew from that point forward? How long?
If roles were reversed I feel like it could have been possible as long as this Luffy didn't want to become a captain but it didn't look like his intention like ever. 🧐