Current Events Chapter 1071 perspectives

This may be the first chapter I get slightly interested since Zoro vs King fight ended.

Not only because we have a small action of Zoro showing his greatness but also for Garp remain himself, just as the hero he is as the unchained dog too.

My positive points of the chapter:
  1. Zoro showing a good CoO and priority mindset awaking up from his snap to protect the ship. This isn't a strength feat since it didn't seemed difficult at all for him to defend Kaku attack but a great feat in another area that he is not showing off so often.
  2. Garp taking Koby nakama to rescue him. One of my main issues with post timeskip is how Oda destroyed everything he had build up for his characters but that didn't happened (yet) with Garp. Garp has his priority mindset well built. Fuck what Akainu or WG want, no man is left behind. EVER!
Now my negative points:
  1. Lucci looks unharmed after getting beat up by Luffy and humiliates his honor not recognizing him as a Yonko. This is ridiculous. If anything didn't showed the fight so one sided to make his statement somewhat valid. Luffy defeated a Yonko told to be WSC. Period. That underdog feeling about him is gone and too late in my opinion.

Neutral points:
  1. Can't care at all for Kid being in Elbaf. I don't care about the man he talked about when left Wano. Not saying it is bad just saying I don't care. At least is a good hint that we are not having Elbaf for Strawhats like I say many times on this forum. When we saw other characters visiting an island and them we had main characters visiting too? The only exception is Impel Down and of course Laugh Tale and Mariejoia.
  2. I also don't care of what Kuma is doing. Just find a little funny all the effort they had to bring him back just for him to go back to where he was being slaved.
  3. Didn't read previous chapters like this so I don't care about Bonney plot. Even if I read I'm pretty sure my feeling would remain the same. I find Kuma interesting but for some reason I'm not caring about him now.
  4. Just think Oda could have exploited a but of characters CoO. Sanji noticing Luffy was coming instead of "huh?" and both him and Luffy feeling when Bonney and Vegapunk started to run.
  1. I think one possibility for those people to help Vegapunk are the not introduced yet Seraphim that are unnatached to others orders. One less plausible option would be East Blue villains maybe even Enel that got arrested and end up helping Vegapunk with experiments.
  2. Maybe we have Garp reveal of being the commander of Swords and other members shows up to help in Koby rescue.
  3. WTF is Kuma ability? How Kuma land on Red Line that way But S Bear made the whole CP0 land clean on egghead? This sucks.
Now my negative points:
  1. Lucci looks unharmed after getting beat up by Luffy and humiliates his honor not recognizing him as a Yonko. This is ridiculous. If anything didn't showed the fight so one sided to make his statement somewhat valid. Luffy defeated a Yonko told to be WSC. Period. That underdog feeling about him is gone and too late in my opinion.

Neutral points:

  1. I also don't care of what Kuma is doing. Just find a little funny all the effort they had to bring him back just for him to go back to where he was being slaved.
The Kuma plot is a perfect example of Oda not doing his homework. We had a whole subplot of Revos going to save Kuma, they finally get him back and now he goes back to the same place lmfao. Like dude what is this??? Too funny! This type of random subplots happened all the time in Wano too, for example the blueprints for Onigishma. Oda spent so much time on finding the blue prints but Ashura ended it up having it the whole time lmao. And Lucci vs Luffy was basically just fanservice filler.
Maybe we have Garp reveal of being the commander of Swords and other members shows up to help in Koby rescue.
No way. Garp doesn't need to be sneaky...... Honestly except drake who actually was undercover... I see only kuzan to be sword leader..... Why the heck is coby even member of sword he ain't doing sneaky spy stuff at all.
No way. Garp doesn't need to be sneaky...... Honestly except drake who actually was undercover... I see only kuzan to be sword leader..... Why the heck is coby even member of sword he ain't doing sneaky spy stuff at all.
Good point. But we saw so little from Sword.