Chapter Discussion Chapter 209: Catch

I wont say Blast didn't underestimate void but Void got the upperhand due to interference and distraction by Sonic.
So rather than being disappointed with Blast, I see it as God and Voids stocks rising.
Saitama stocks at an all time high.
Stakes in the series ate higher than they have ever been.

I really like how the story is progressing. I just hope we continue to get chapters at this current rate of release.
I like how after hundreds of chapters of one-punching, the author always/often makes me drop a quick laugh when Saitama makes his enemies look like fools. The formula still works for me.

A bit disappointed by Blast though, but I guess the story will make him become even stronger now ? Kinda weird nonetheless because there was a Tatsumaki flashback when we saw Blast as a silhouette being compared to Saitama’s power. I mean the way he was shown with Tatsumaki looked like Genos vs Saitama iirc. Fake hype is real.