Chapter 782: The path of the Supreme Commander

Ousen's sleeping on the job right now. Granted he's got no info on SBS, so RBK's plan of effectively switching CiC isn't a bad idea... But I still don't see how he's supposed to survive. That earth fort he's hiding in is laughable.
I can't imagine that Ousen just entered that battlefield without a proper plan especially considering he would know that another great heaven is present...or maybe he's just that guy and has the means to fight SBS head on using tactics.
Ou Sen got 30,000 bodies between himself and SBS.

I'm not worried just yet. This will be the first time his personal army unit will be involved in the fighting without compromise. They're not starving or low on numbers.

The overall situation isn't good for Qin, granted, but I'm going to wait and see how Ou Sen responds. SBS is a monstrous figure, but still just a man, and I can see Ou Sen's response being about cutting down his numbers quickly and efficiently, killing his momentum and settling into stalemate long enough to buy time for Ou Hon or whoever to join the party.

He's pretty much Riboku's face + Kanmei sized body + most horrid hair in the manga lol.

I prefer Kansaro's design, especially with the helmet.
Kan Saro has the dopest design among the Seika generals, that's for sure.

SBS would look so much better if not for the pigtails. The curly hair can work and look good, but the pigtails make him look crazy. :kobeha:
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Ohhhhh baby

This chapter was exactly what I was hoping for!! The desperate state of the Ousen army right now was communicated throughout the entirety of this chapter! This is where Hara is best imo, his battles really feel satisfying when the odds are overwhelmingly against us which is definitely the scenario we are in. Denrimi said it himself,

The Ousen army is in massive trouble right now, and Ousen is easily one of the most interesting generals to read when the situation appears desperate. Can’t wait to see how we get out of this.

So anyway, let’s talk about milord himself:

So this is interesting, is Shibashou actually a formal Zhao Three Great Heaven now? I think this is the first time we’ve heard this. We knew he was nominated and declined the rank but I don’t think we’ve heard before now that he is officially a 3GH. Mistranslation I wonder?

Anyway, Shibashou himself. I saw a post on Reddit that noticed some similarities between Shibashou and the mythological Qilin:

And the more that I look at this thing, the more I think this is correct. I was wondering why the Seika gang seemed to have animal themes and this appears to be the answer, Shibashou is inspired by the Qilin. Just look at Shibashou himself:

-Horse-themed breast plate
-Spiral hair and Glaive patterns
-Scaled bracers
-Pig tails semi-resembling antlers

These things even have origins dating back to the warring states era.

But what is most interesting is what I found about the Qilin on Wikipedia (research level 100), that these things “are said to appear with the arrival or passing of an illustrious sage or ruler.”

Now I’m not going to comment on any historical spoilers but…the fact that we have been introduced to the minor sub plot of Riboku just being proclaimed the Lord of the second largest city in all Zhao, with his subordinates openly proclaiming that they want to see him as the King of Zhao, and now Riboku is joined in battle by the metaphorical herald of the sage…Hara really does intend to go hard with this sub plot it seems lmfao. Man is the GOAT, quite simply.

To anyone who thinks Shibashou is nothing more than a powerful Zhao general, the more and more we learn about this guy, the more important his ultimate roll in the story appears to be. His arrival, I believe, is to signify the importance of Riboku and his advancement as a powerful sage/ruler…and perhaps eventually any other Kingly commanders Shibashou may end up joining forces with. But I wouldn’t know anything about that.

Alright, last minor point:

I didn’t realize this looking at the raws, but Denrimi is actually wounded here.

Qin is fucked. Qin is so fucked lol.

@Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @RayanOO
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Ohhhhh baby

This chapter was exactly what I was hoping for!! The desperate state of the Ousen army right now was communicated throughout the entirety of this chapter! This is where Hara is best imo, his battles really feel satisfying when the odds are overwhelmingly against us which is definitely the scenario we are in. Denrimi said it himself,

The Ousen army is in massive trouble right now, and Ousen is easily one of the most interesting generals to read when the situation appears desperate. Can’t wait to see how we get out of this.

So anyway, let’s talk about milord himself:

So this is interesting, is Shibashou actually a formal Zhao Three Great Heaven now? I think this is the first time we’ve heard this. We knew he was nominated and declined the rank but I don’t think we’ve heard before now that he is officially a 3GH. Mistranslation I wonder?

Anyway, Shibashou himself. I saw a post on Reddit that noticed some similarities between Shibashou and the mythological Qilin:

And the more that I look at this thing, the more I think this is correct. I was wondering why the Seika gang seemed to have animal themes and this appears to be the answer, Shibashou is inspired by the Qilin. Just look at Shibashou himself:

-Horse-themed breast plate
-Spiral hair and Glaive patterns
-Scaled bracers
-Pig tails semi-resembling antlers

These things even have origins dating back to the warring states era.

But what is most interesting is what I found about the Qilin on Wikipedia (research level 100), that these things “are said to appear with the arrival or passing of an illustrious sage or ruler.”

Now I’m not going to comment on any historical spoilers but…the fact that we have been introduced to the minor sub plot of Riboku just being proclaimed the Lord of the second largest city in all Zhao, with his subordinates openly proclaiming that they want to see him as the King of Zhao, and now Riboku is joined in battle by the metaphorical herald of the sage…Hara really does intend to go hard with this sub plot it seems lmfao. Man is the GOAT, quite simply.

To anyone who thinks Shibashou is nothing more than a powerful Zhao general, the more and more we learn about this guy, the more important his ultimate roll in the story appears to be. His arrival, I believe, is to signify the importance of Riboku and his advancement as a powerful sage/ruler…and perhaps eventually any other Kingly commanders Shibashou may end up joining forces with. But I wouldn’t know anything about that.

Alright, last minor point:

I didn’t realize this looking at the raws, but Denrimi is actually wounded here.

Qin is fucked. Qin is so fucked lol.

@Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @RayanOO
Do you think retreat is possible for Ousen ?
I mean we've been told that Ousen is as cold as it gets but could he really just leave his main forces that he gathered over years there to die?

I don't think he'll do that tbh.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Do you think retreat is possible for Ousen ?
I mean we've been told that Ousen is as cold as it gets but could he really just leave his main forces that he gathered over years there to die?

I don't think he'll do that tbh.
If Ousen retreats then the entire Qin army has to retreat. If Ousen dips, Shibashou could always pincer Yotanwa which would be a deathblow to another Qin 6. Not to mention that the Qin’s goal is to capture Hango and Gi’An, retreating just puts them further from that goal.

Plus Yotanwa has already begun the siege of Gi’An, is Ousen going to abandon those men? Or is he going to have them retreat as well? I wouldn’t be surprised if the siege of Hango has made retreat impossible here.

I’m really starting to see why this is the bloodiest Qin battle of all time. I doubt Ousen can retreat here, and his army has been maneuvered into a near checkmate situation right now. Which is starting to make me suspect that we’ll see Ousen flex that strategic acumen against Shibashou. I definitely still think Shibashou is at an enormous advantage here.
If Ousen retreats then the entire Qin army has to retreat. If Ousen dips, Shibashou could always pincer Yotanwa which would be a deathblow to another Qin 6. Not to mention that the Qin’s goal is to capture Hango and Gi’An, retreating just puts them further from that goal.

Plus Yotanwa has already begun the siege of Gi’An, is Ousen going to abandon those men? Or is he going to have them retreat as well? I wouldn’t be surprised if the siege of Hango has made retreat impossible here.

I’m really starting to see why this is the bloodiest Qin battle of all time. I doubt Ousen can retreat here, and his army has been maneuvered into a near checkmate situation right now. Which is starting to make me suspect that we’ll see Ousen flex that strategic acumen against Shibashou. I definitely still think Shibashou is at an enormous advantage here.
Agreed. I doubt Ousen can simply retreat. They would lose everything and I don't think the Qin forces can retreat at all. The Seika commanders have them locked down as see when GKS stopped Akou from helping Ousen and Kan Saro charging towards denrimi.

Now imagine Ousen retreats and SBS just spreads his main army wide and personally goes after YTW.

Literally all of the Qin forces would be fucked.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Now imagine Ousen retreats and SBS just spreads his main army wide and personally goes after YTW.
If any Qin general can survive getting pincered by Shunsuiju, Bananji, and Shibashou, it is Yotanwa and her army of mongoloids lol. But I don’t think this will happen.

Even for Yotanwa, facing two Great Heavens (Shibashou and Kotsuminchad) is far too much.
Ohhhhh baby

This chapter was exactly what I was hoping for!! The desperate state of the Ousen army right now was communicated throughout the entirety of this chapter! This is where Hara is best imo, his battles really feel satisfying when the odds are overwhelmingly against us which is definitely the scenario we are in. Denrimi said it himself,

The Ousen army is in massive trouble right now, and Ousen is easily one of the most interesting generals to read when the situation appears desperate. Can’t wait to see how we get out of this.

So anyway, let’s talk about milord himself:

So this is interesting, is Shibashou actually a formal Zhao Three Great Heaven now? I think this is the first time we’ve heard this. We knew he was nominated and declined the rank but I don’t think we’ve heard before now that he is officially a 3GH. Mistranslation I wonder?

Anyway, Shibashou himself. I saw a post on Reddit that noticed some similarities between Shibashou and the mythological Qilin:

And the more that I look at this thing, the more I think this is correct. I was wondering why the Seika gang seemed to have animal themes and this appears to be the answer, Shibashou is inspired by the Qilin. Just look at Shibashou himself:

-Horse-themed breast plate
-Spiral hair and Glaive patterns
-Scaled bracers
-Pig tails semi-resembling antlers

These things even have origins dating back to the warring states era.

But what is most interesting is what I found about the Qilin on Wikipedia (research level 100), that these things “are said to appear with the arrival or passing of an illustrious sage or ruler.”

Now I’m not going to comment on any historical spoilers but…the fact that we have been introduced to the minor sub plot of Riboku just being proclaimed the Lord of the second largest city in all Zhao, with his subordinates openly proclaiming that they want to see him as the King of Zhao, and now Riboku is joined in battle by the metaphorical herald of the sage…Hara really does intend to go hard with this sub plot it seems lmfao. Man is the GOAT, quite simply.

To anyone who thinks Shibashou is nothing more than a powerful Zhao general, the more and more we learn about this guy, the more important his ultimate roll in the story appears to be. His arrival, I believe, is to signify the importance of Riboku and his advancement as a powerful sage/ruler…and perhaps eventually any other Kingly commanders Shibashou may end up joining forces with. But I wouldn’t know anything about that.

Alright, last minor point:

I didn’t realize this looking at the raws, but Denrimi is actually wounded here.

Qin is fucked. Qin is so fucked lol.

@Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @Blackbeard @MarineHQ @God Buggy @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @RayanOO
I think you're onto something.

It's especially interesting regarding Qilin being symbol of prosperity and connected to great rulers. Shibashou refused to show up during king Toujou's rule, but it seem like his perspective changed once Riboku brought him prince Ka. I wonder if prince Ka was the reason why he decided to step on the battlefield after years of ignoring the capitol.