Theory Chopper real bounty

Chopper will get a real bounty after wano. I have a theory on all but I wanted see the reaction. About a year before dressrosa ended I made a theory on Usopp bounty. Oda loves his puns, connections, etc. Usopp lied about having luffy bounty and was in luffy first wanted poster. Oda in return have Usopp a 30 million bounty. Usopp saw dorry and brogy as heroes , they're combined bounty is 200,000,000 together. Once they called Usopp a god. God Enel had a 200,000,000 volt attack.

After the introduction of the minks having a real bounty that means chopper will have a real on as well. Keep in mind Bepo current bounty is 500 and he is considered a pet. Pedro bounty is 382 million and Pekoms is 330 million. Bepo might get Zepo old bounty in memory of his brother.

Chopper will have 141,000,000 bounty. 141 is Dr. Kureha age and 141 is the chapter Hiriluk was introduced. Both of these characters are very close to chopper. Foster mom and dad. It is also below page 1 bounty of 290 million and X drake bounty of 222 million. Chopper is not more of a threat than either character nor is he more powerful, notorious. His fights so far have been stalling queen but no 1v1.

Chopper can have a 100 million or 101 million bounty. Chopper DF is hito hito no mi using number theory that means 1,10 represents chopper. Hito means 1, to means 10. On drum island their are the isshi-100 under dr.kureha. Who knows if she is included in this number. If she is not that means that she is part of the 101 best doctors. If she is that means Hiriluk is the 101 best doctors in chopper heart. Just like luffy got said that his bounty went down by missing zeros. Chopper will get happy that his bounty is added zeroes. Just like Usopp got Luffy bounty, Chopper will get luffy second bounty. They are the younger brother trio and silly trio. It can also be a reference to sogeking 100 shots, 100 hits in the sogeking song.

Chopper not exceeding 200 million is not a bad thing. Plenty of strong people like Urouge, Bonney, Mont Dor, Bellamy have less than 200 million. I know that Usopp bounty is the same as killer but that is based on fame vs strength.

I think Chopper will always have the lowest bounty in the crew. He's a doctor and is seen as the cute one.

Chopper real bounty will be the largest percentage increase thus far.

So I believe that chopper will either be 141 million, 101 million, or 100 million based on personal connections with Kureha, Hiriluk, Usopp, Luffy.
Really like your effort. Though for me it is not something important, I guess for others it means a lot and your theory could be right. My bet goes too 141.