Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Afternoon family.

I come to you with the quite the offer.

As you all know since our take over, there have been 2 individuals that have either defined bending to our will or began asking questions entirely. Therefore as your first order of business I ask you bring me the heads of @WalnutTax and @Kizaruber Eats

I will be placing a $10,000 reward each. First person that gets either of them to turn themselves in gets all the riches.

Happy hunting.

Sorry, they paid me off.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
If you want Kizaruber you have to talk to @Fujishiro and @Dr_Professor83 . They're witch hunters.

We going to my mansion. Wanna come, too?
@Kizaruber Eats you can hide here if you want. Witches don't discriminate.
kizaruber eats has a nice name, a shame to have to spill his blood
He'll be safe in my mansion. Nothing beats witchcraft :yearight:. I'm studying under master @Ratchet .
Hey strange question completely unrelated to everything, between quick drying or original, what’s your favorite kind of cement?

Oooops. I just destroyed all the cement factories with my magic. My bad.

This thread is such an emotional rollercoaster!

This is why I love witches @Flower! Witches over bitches? Lmao. Tysm for your kindness amd support seriously! I definitely need all the protection, shelter and camaraderie I an get!

@Sir Yasheen

This is the only kind of "cement" I like!:

(Jenna Marbles dog Kermit who is called Cermet and sometimes Cement too lol)

Aside from that, i prefer cement only in the packet or bucket and definitely not on my feet as shoes or anywhere on my persons! *cough*


A "NotMafia Family" at "war" with a "Not Furry Cult - Carrot/Various Animals Fan Club"

Also which jerk changed the Elbaf option on the poll to say "As a roast" too?! That was my vote until it was changed to that! You bastard LOL!

Was it you @Mr. Reloaded ?!:pepeanger:


@Bepo D. Bear

..... negged their faves. Fill in the blank.