Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Gorosei Informer

Carrot parents are Lindbherg and Night tho

Who is Night? Lindbergh eh, that's an interesting one, I wouldn't mind that! Not sure how it would work but that would be cool! His colour scheme does match Carrots too...

In fact how does Mink parentage even work? Oda needs to explain it lol. If a cat mink and a dog mink got together, is that how Catdog was born? LOL

Bonus meme anyway:

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Who is Night? Lindbergh eh, that's an interesting one, I wouldn't mind that! Not sure how it would work but that would be cool! His colour scheme does match Carrots too...

In fact how does Mink parentage even work? Oda needs to explain it lol. If a cat mink and a dog mink got together, is that how Catdog was born? LOL

Bonus meme anyway:

How deep into conspiracies are you willing to go:watchout: