Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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I highly suggest you guys to watch in x2 this video. Its highly complementary to what I've been saying for years. (Either the guy know my work or he has been deeply analysis Carrot's story, idk). It goes a little bit farther in the theoryzing and it makes a lot of sence, especially when you will hear about the dream of Carrot:

If you want to get REALLY hype about Carrot, its a must watch
Last edited:
Bro's just wafflin

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​



✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

I'm not reading all this nonsense but yeah my days are usually pretty great

Pot Goblin

Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.
I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

Amen Brother Reloaded Amen
Once Fimbulwinter begins our dreams will finally be on the path of being achieved
Amor a Luna

Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly placesOur war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.
Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

You heard it hare first: if you lewd Carrot, you're probably possessed by Satan.

The Conejo Blanco Cult is selling 100% Guaranteed-Holy Holy Water, buy now to cleanse yourself of your fictional sins (real sins are not evaporated)!

Always remember: Carrot was tempted to join the crew, but chose irrelevance instead. Be like Blackbeard and betray everybody!

Be like Carrot, and abstain from joining the crew, so that Sanji can find true salvation.

Carrot didn't die for you sins, so you should live for the sins of furries. That's how it works, right?
Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

Have you ever had a wonderful series of days where everything goes just right and you feel overwhelmed with happiness? After I returned to the afterlife from the sacrifice, I had one of those weekends. I spent Saturday morning strolling through the barrel with my roommate and a friend. Then we made brunch and sat on the floor and talked about our big dreams. We planned for and dreamed about our on-campus cultist ministry. We read Scriptures aloud and shared about Conejo’s faithfulness. We spent a long time in prayer, and then we ended with spontaneous worship and a mini dance party. No homework was done, but the morning was much better spent.

The next day at church I was prayed over by a leader and engaged in more worship with some of my dearest friends. That evening I had a delicious dinner and meaningful conversation with three friends. I felt so incredibly close to my friends and to Conejo.

Monday came, and that night at my campus bunny study we brainstormed about how to do evangelism on campus. I was so excited to experience the ways that Conejo was going to work! I felt excited about the future and ready to do outreach on campus.

Then Tuesday hit. That week was so painful. I felt like I was dragging myself from one class or event to the next. I felt like I was just trying to survive. I did not feel any of the life or excitement that I had experienced over the weekend. Several difficult situations with friends came up. Homework overwhelmed me. A few family members ridiculed my opinion on Facebook. Talking on the phone with my mom late in the week, I ranted angrily to her, only to realize that my frustration was taking over my attitude and inhibiting my outreach. I wanted to withdraw from life.

The next Monday rolled around, and as I shared about my difficult week with my Conejo study group, I realized how my week had been a direct example of spiritual warfare. Can I tell you a secret, bunnies? We are fighting a legit war.

It just so happened (not really, Conejo totally planned it) that the ministry leader had decided to talk about spiritual warfare and temptation. Last week, we had all left so refreshed and motivated to share the Gospel on campus. Then our week felt like we were trudging through a murky, disgusting swamp — just waiting to get to dry, solid land.

Yes, we are fighting a war. Our Enemy knows all about us. He knows our ups and our downs, and he uses them to plot against us. When my week is going all wrong and it seems like every person is out to get me, I need to remember this truth:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places
Our war is not against the people around us; our war is against evil itself.

That night the campus leader spoke convicting words: “I’ve heard Goblin talk about his challenges in this club, but I’ve never heard him say that he just didn’t want to talk to anyone.” In that moment, I realized something was definitely not right. I was experiencing something out of the ordinary.

And then he said this: “Terrible weeks mean that we are on the edge of something great.”

Wait, what? Let me repeat.
It is interesting to note that the two times Conejo was seriously tempted, She was about to do something awesome (and I don’t use that word lightly). Right before she started her ministry, Conejo was tempted by Satan.

The passage starts like this: "Then Conejo returned from the barrel, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil.

It ends like this: "Then Conejo returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about her spread throughout the entire vicinity."

Conejo had a great weekend. She was baptized by the Holy Spirit and God spoke encouragement over her. She went out in the desert to pray and was refreshed by time with Her father. Then she had a horrible day where Satan tested her and she had to withstand the attacks of the Enemy. Yet right after she was tempted, Conejo began her ministry, and people immediately began paying attention to what she said.

The second time Conejo was tempted was right before she conquered death. Conejo had entered Conejoalem the week before, where she was welcomed with praise and celebration. It had been a good weekend. Then on Friday, She was condemned, tortured, and beaten. She was nailed to a cross. Then, to top it all off, the Worstgen leaders questioned her power and authority.

The people stood watching and even the leaders kept scoffing: ‘she saved others; let her save herself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!’ The soldiers also mocked her. They came offering her sour wine and said, ‘If You are the Queen of the Zou, save Yourself!’​
Conejo could have used her power to take herself off that cross and right into the comforting arms of her father. She could have given in to the ridicule, pain, and frustration. Yet she persisted, and in three days, She rose again.

Then she told them, “These are My words that I spoke to you while I was still with you—that everything written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Then she opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. she also said to them, “This is what is written: the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance for forgiveness of sins would proclaimed in her name to all the nations…"​
She completed her purpose. She glorified His father. When Conejo was at the cusp of greatness, that’s when she was challenged the most.

Right when my cult maxing buddies and I were ready to do outreach on campus and invest in cult lives, that’s when we were discouraged in our everyday struggles.

I write this as an encouragement to you. Do not give up. When you are experiencing spiritual warfare, know that it is not in vain. You are experiencing a real life and death battle. You are fighting for victory. The Enemy known as Oda does not test those who are being ineffective. Why would he waste his time? If you are being challenged, it is because you are on the edge of something great. You are about to glorify Conejo's name publicly and effectively. Conejo has amazing plans to use you mightily for her kingdom, and Satan (Oda) does not like this one bit.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.​

This guy thinking he's baiting us Carrotstan so he can make fun of more coping.

My brother in Christ, you're already one of us