Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Gorosei Informer


Also a little bonus that definitely has no "similarities" to anyone we know were and is "purely coincidental"!:

*Title: Spider-Rabbit: A Furry's Tale

(Scene: Norman Osborne's secret lab. He stands before a massive, bubbling cauldron filled with green chemicals. Peter Parker, in his Spider-Man suit, is watching from the shadows.)

Norman Osborne (in a green lab coat, nervously adjusting rabbit ears on his head): "You see, Peter, I'm something of a furry myself."

Spider-Man (confused, trying not to laugh): "Furry? You mean like a rabbit?"

Norman Osborne (sweating profusely, his rabbit nose twitching): "Yes, Spider-Man. I've always had this… fascination with rabbits and fur. It's my Goblin side!"

(Spider-Man struggles to hold back laughter as Norman continues to monologue.)

Norman Osborne (gesturing to his cauldron of green chemicals): "You see, this formula was supposed to turn me into the ultimate rabbit. I'd have the furriest fur and the most magnificent bunny tail!"

Spider-Man (struggling not to giggle): "So, the Green Goblin is just your way of becoming the ultimate rabbit?"

Norman Osborne (nodding fervently): "Precisely! With my rabbit-like agility and the ability to hop between buildings, I'd be unstoppable!"

(Spider-Man can't contain his laughter any longer, doubling over.)

Spider-Man (chuckling): "You were trying to be the Hop Goblin?"

Norman Osborne (embarrassed): "Well, yes, in a way. But my furry ambitions got the better of me, and now I'm this… monstrosity!"

(Spider-Man tries to console Norman.)

Spider-Man: "Listen, Norman, maybe we can find a way to help you embrace your furry side without all the green chemicals and villainy."

Norman Osborne (teary-eyed): "You'd do that for me, Spider-Man?"

Spider-Man: "Of course, we all have our quirks. Just remember, with great fur comes great responsibility."

(The two share a laugh, and Spider-Man webs Norman to a nearby lamppost, ensuring he won't cause any trouble as they work on a cure for his rabbit-focused furry tendencies.)*

@CoC: Color of Clowns @Mr. Reloaded @Pot Goblin @Bepo D. Bear

Gorosei Informer
