Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Bepo made Pizza!

Bepo D. Bear

Well-Known Bear
What are you implying? :beckmoji:

Don't put my boy Joe on trial :ronalugh:
You know what I'm implying and you know that I'm right :beckmoji:

Don't listen to him.. @Zolo always sente the white bears after me, i'm used to get hunted by them..

I baked cookie :)

You're a fish, you can't bake!!

Where was my threadmark when I baked bunny pizza for everyone? :few:

@Bepo D. Bear I'm still on hiatus, so I'm not hosting. But if you want to make the thread, I'll co-host :fransuper:
Me? :blush:

I'll actually think about doing this :catblush:

@Zolo isn't here tho :catsweat: