What will be in Carrot's arsenal when she fights again?

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is probably playing Overwatch 2
In our garden of rabbits, those who sadly get old and pass away are respected through a rite of passage where we take our beloved departed friend into ourselves.

Brother Meeyori does fine work making the ritual stew for us
It's as sad as it is beautiful
this one special its made from butchered baby rabbits

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Your blind trust will doom us all.
By Government LAW, purge the intruder! :gouno:
Steady, Brother Kidd
Brother Reloaded may have a Darkness inside of him but we here to support him
We will prepare and be ready in case this darkness ever emerges

no i killed them, i stomped on there fragile heads, it was fast but they taste very good
