Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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I'm running low on my Carrot reserves bros...

And Ginny not rewiring a celestial dragon denden to call for help before getting r***** while Kuma got c***** drained me of my *ucks and hopium reserves.

I require an immediate beta-carotene infusion.

Not sure why this is in the Carrot thread, but... I fully agree. We would've been better off if the Scabbard side of things had just stuck with Kinemon, Momo, Kanjuro and ninjawhatshisface splitting up to go find rebels to join the Straw Hats at Onigashima instead of wasting so many chapters learning how each and every citizen and samurai of Wano wipes their ass. It often felt like most Wano characters were made as part of some marketing campaign orchestrated by Jump or the Japanese tourism bureau.

Oda couldn't even make the Oniwashumyballsu and other Wano groups relevant no matter how much he tried. Even that forced history between their leader and the ninja guy wasn't enough to make viewers give a fug about them.
Baldy: "You banged my sister and let her die!"
Ninjaguy: "Yes."

Even during the Water 7 and Dressrosa arcs Oda was able to balance the excess of characters by giving them actual likeable quirks and adequate screen time.
oops I thought this is the nakama thread
We were talking about these characters because the scabards aka Inu and Neko are the r"#tards that were the mountpiece for Oda's nonsense "conclusion" to Carrot.

It really puts shit in perpesctive when i see that the popularity poll Carrot was 8th and then shit like Vivi was 21th Brook was 26, Franky was 28 Kiku is 47th Otama is 54th Pedro is 61th, Kienemon is 92th.

Like she was the 3rd most popular non SH character and she's only below 5 of the Shs. And what does Oda do?

Oh yeah random ending and no goodbye.

Like you just don't understand your audience at that point

Either its a case of stubbornness that comes with age or Oda's current editor is a moron. It doesn't help that even Jump and Toei only seemed to care about marketing the crud out of Wano and Oden as if they were the greatest things to ever come out of the franchise while not caring about anything else. Even stuff that should've been explored like Chopper's attempts to cure the Smile users and Zoro's family tree got regulated to a freakin SBS.

And yes, a double #uuuck you to Nekot@rd and Inut@rd. Not only was their usage in Carrot and the Mink tribe's storylines half-assed (as with most of the minks in favor of samurai wank) but even their characters felt like they got lobotomized following their Whitebeard/Oden flashback arcs where they adopted this weird quirk of acting in unison while grinning like idiots and making brash decisions for humor just because Oda seemed to have a hard time figuring out how to keep the characters relevant after their childhood origins on Wano were revealed which was itself very rushed and lackluster since it had to focus squarely on Oden... a character who I had a tough time caring about considering we never even heard of the guy until the Zou arc. If he had at least been alluded to as a major figure in Whitebeard or Roger lore before the timeskip, I probably might've been a bit more invested in his screentime-stealing past which revolved around everyone fanboying over the guy.