Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Just asking of curiousity, how your was your marriage with Reloaded?
Script: Voldemort’s Furry Fiasco at Hogwarts
Act 1: Voldemort’s Plan Unleashed

(The scene opens in the dark, ominous halls of Malfoy Manor. Voldemort is pacing furiously, his wand crackling with dark energy as Bellatrix Lestrange fawns over him. Suddenly, his former wife bursts in—an over-the-top, unhinged, furry witch named Furina Lupeluxe.)

Voldemort (sighing dramatically): Furina! For the last time, I am NOT taking you back. I’m trying to conquer Hogwarts.

Furina Lupeluxe (sashaying in, tail swishing dramatically): Oh, Tommykins, you’re always so serious. That’s why we didn’t work out. You never appreciated my… passions.

(She gestures to her leopard-print wizard robes and an over-the-top fur hat with ears.)

Bellatrix (snarling): Get out, you mangy—

Furina (hissing back): Silence, Bellatrix. You’re just jealous because I’ve already licked Voldy’s bald head!

(Voldemort slams his wand into the table, silencing them both.)

Voldemort: Enough! I am launching an attack on Hogwarts tonight. I do not have time for your… furry nonsense.

Furina (giggling): Oh, Tom. You have no idea what you’re walking into.

(She blows him a kiss and disappears in a puff of fur-scented glitter.)
Act 2: The Furry Invasion

(Voldemort stands outside Hogwarts, wand raised as he prepares to unleash his army. However, when he storms into the Great Hall, he is greeted not by terrified students, but by an inexplicably large group of Hogwarts students in furry costumes.)

Furry Potter (wearing wolf ears and a fluffy tail, wagging slightly): Voldemort, you’ll never win! This is our territory now!

Voldemort (staring in disbelief): What… in the name of Salazar Slytherin… is this?

Furmione Granger (adjusting her cat-ear headband): It’s called Furry Pride, Voldemort. We’ve embraced our inner animals, and we’re not afraid of you!

Ron Weaselly (dressed as a weasel, holding a plate of cheese): Yeah, mate! You’ll never defeat us!

(The other Hogwarts students cheer, wagging their tails and howling dramatically. Voldemort looks completely bewildered.)

Voldemort (to himself): Is this… some sort of elaborate prank?

(Professor McGonagall, wearing a lioness costume, steps forward.)

McGonagall: No, Voldemort. This is Hogwarts’ new extracurricular initiative: Animagic Appreciation Club.

Voldemort (increasingly frustrated): This cannot possibly be real.

(Furina Lupeluxe reappears in a puff of sparkly smoke, now wearing a fox costume.)

Furina: Surprise, Tom! I told you—this is my new domain. Welcome to Furrywarts!

(Voldemort drops his wand in exasperation.)
Act 3: Chaos Unleashed

(As Voldemort attempts to regain his composure, the furry students start to surround him. Some are barking, others are meowing, and Draco Malfoy—dressed as a silver ferret—starts gnawing on a table leg.)

Voldemort: Draco! What are you doing?!

Draco Ferret: It’s instinct, my Lord! I… can’t… resist!

(Nearby, Snape appears in an entirely black raven costume, looking deeply uncomfortable.)

Voldemort: Severus! Have you lost your mind as well?

Snape (sighing heavily): It was either this or detention duty with Longbottom.

(Hagrid enters, wearing a full grizzly bear suit. He’s holding a large honeycomb and grinning ear to ear.)

Hagrid: ‘Ello, Voldemort! Betcha didn’t see this comin’, did ya? This is my true form!

Voldemort (stammering): H-Hagrid?! You too?!

(Dumbledore steps forward, dramatically flipping his long robes, revealing himself dressed as a wise old owl, complete with feathery wings and a sharp beak mask.)

Dumbledore (solemnly): Ah, Voldemort. The time has come to embrace the power of the animal kingdom.

Voldemort (glaring at him): You’ve got to be kidding me.

Furry Potter (wagging his tail enthusiastically): Yeah, Voldy! You don’t stand a chance against the Furry Squad!

(The furry students start throwing squeaky toys and chew bones at Voldemort. Bellatrix enters dramatically, wearing a bat costume and holding a rubber toy in her mouth.)

Bellatrix (muffled): My Lord! I’ve joined the cause!

Voldemort (screaming): NOT YOU TOO!

(Furina sidles up to Voldemort, twirling her tail dramatically.)

Furina: Face it, Tom. You’re outnumbered. And outfabuloused.

(Voldemort looks ready to explode as the students start chanting “Furrywarts Forever!” and waving paw-shaped banners. A confused Hagrid offers him a honeycomb.)

Hagrid: Fancy a bite? Might calm yer nerves!

(The bear growls, and Voldemort’s eye twitches uncontrollably.)
Act 4: The Final Blow

(As Voldemort tries to cast a spell, Furmione interrupts him by tossing a glowing ball of yarn in his direction. He pauses, his wand trembling as the students start throwing squeaky toys and chew bones at him.)

Furmione: Expelliarmus? More like Expawliarmus!

(Furry Potter facepalms at the pun but joins in, barking commands as the furry students charge Voldemort.)

Furry Potter: Take him down, Fur Squad!

(The students pile onto Voldemort, who screams in frustration as he’s overwhelmed by tails, paws, and squeaky toys. Bellatrix is seen happily gnawing on a rubber bat toy in the background.)


(Furina steps forward dramatically, her fox tail wagging as she holds up a glittery leash.)

Furina: Tom, darling, you’ve been a bad dog. Time to take you for a walk.

(She snaps the leash onto his wrist, and the crowd erupts into cheers as Voldemort is dragged away, defeated and humiliated.)
Act 5: Aftermath and Reflection

(Back in the Great Hall, the students celebrate their victory. Furry Potter and Furmione sit at the table, looking proud, while Ron Weaselly devours a plate of cheese.)

Furry Potter: I never thought I’d say this, but… the power of fur saved Hogwarts.

Furmione: It’s more than just fur, Furry. It’s about embracing who you really are.

(Draco, still chewing on a table leg, looks up and nods solemnly.)

McGonagall (to Snape): I think this is the strangest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Snape (still in his raven costume): Agreed.

(Furina appears, now holding a trophy that reads “Furry of the Year.”)

Furina (beaming): Well, it’s been fun, but I must return to my kingdom of fabulousness. Farewell, my furry friends!

(She disappears in another puff of glitter, leaving Voldemort’s wand behind as a chew toy. The camera pans out on the Great Hall, now a riot of costumes and wagging tails.)

1. He was not my friend
2. Not my cult, it's Pot's
FRIENDLOADED :pepemwai::pepemwai:

YOU'VE CREATED A FURRY CULT? Omg Omg sign me up I'M SO HYPEEEED finally we have a place to spend time together:PepeCock:

Back to the grave, foul fiend.

Also, did you ever find that CD you stole from me? The "Animals Farting and Laughing at their own Farts" compilation?
Coc my furry friend haven't seen us since that furry convention in Iceland :pepemwai: