Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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I see what you mean here. Zoro vs Lucci was especially bad in this case.
Yeah but hardly anyone's willing to admit it because all they care about is using the fight to fulfill some ridiculous powerscaler agenda.

Its why I've come to hate powerscaling in general. Most online discussions about new anime these days are less about their stories or characters and more about whether or not a character can throw trains around or cut the universe in half or beat Saitama in a fight while viewers go "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH" even if the story itself is bad or the setting is boring as heck.

More like after the whole 30 diferent storylines happening on Egghead, 15 years into the story he randomly now drops one Gorosei on atack mode then all of them and now Giants.
And even then Oda messes up their big entrance by having the Gorosei easily blasted around for his overused hypetool gimmick. Without their regeneration, these guys would come off as being made of paper, and Luffy's cartoon gimmick kinda takes away any tension now.
Yeah but hardly anyone's willing to admit it because all they care about is using the fight to fulfill some ridiculous powerscaler agenda.

Its why I've come to hate powerscaling in general. Most online discussions about new anime these days are less about their stories or characters and more about whether or not a character can throw trains around or cut the universe in half or beat Saitama in a fight while viewers go "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAH" even if the story itself is bad or the setting is boring as heck.

And even then Oda messes up their big entrance by having the Gorosei easily blasted around for his overused hypetool gimmick. Without their regeneration, these guys would come off as being made of paper, and Luffy's cartoon gimmick kinda takes away any tension now.
I still don't understand why a Gorosei had to personally go to Vegapunk's island. Was it because he needed the authorithy to control the pacifistas? Why did he send CP-0 then.

Why don't they just use the lazer they used on Lulusia? Shit doesn't make sense to me.
I still don't understand why a Gorosei had to personally go to Vegapunk's island. Was it because he needed the authorithy to control the pacifistas? Why did he send CP-0 then.

Why don't they just use the lazer they used on Lulusia? Shit doesn't make sense to me.
Oda introducing the Mother Flame was another bad idea I feel. And it really was a terrible fakeout how he implied Sabo got blown away by it only to handwave away the disaster and the deaths it caused by giving a really lackluster explanation for why Sabo and so many citizens managed to make it safely to the Revs.

I won't lie, the series hasn't exactly been at its best since the timeskip started, and plenty can be said about Wano or even most of WCI, but Egghead has just been way more "flip-floppy" in terms of quality and panel consistency, like characters are just all over the place and we keep jumping from moment to moment without much rhyme or reason and things that would seem logical for the characters to do are just handwaved away, for what I can only guess is that Oda maybe wrote himself into a corner. Things kind of really lost any momentum the moment Oda decided to offscreen York's defeat, the Seraphim fights and Shaka's death.
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I'm still here pondering York, she's supose to be the main antagonist of Egghead, otherwise i don't understand the point of half of the arc.
The Satellites feel really pointless now more than ever since Oda decided to resolve the York incident offscreen. Shaka died after only saying a few words, so we really never got to know him and his death didn't leave an impact as a result. Even more so for Pythagoras who was barely in 10 panels throughout the whole arc. And Atlas only existed to hypetool Lucci which really didn't add anything because her only feat was punching a virtual monster and she was quickly fixed right after getting her face blown off.
Tbh, I disliked Wano so much that the beginning of Egghead was such a nice change of pace, we got a not oppressed island, we finally met Vegapunk, there was a focus on SHP not named Luffy....

But it went downhill somewhere when the York traitor plot started, and right now it's a mess. If it were up to me, I'd prefer Egghead be similar to Zou, and WG chasing after SHP once Vegapunk left with them (and I would also prefer 1 or 2 Vegapunks, not 7 of them).

But we got what we got, at least it seems that Elbaf will happen soon. Which cannot be soon enough.
Tbh, I disliked Wano so much that the beginning of Egghead was such a nice change of pace, we got a not oppressed island, we finally met Vegapunk, there was a focus on SHP not named Luffy....

But it went downhill somewhere when the York traitor plot started, and right now it's a mess. If it were up to me, I'd prefer Egghead be similar to Zou, and WG chasing after SHP once Vegapunk left with them (and I would also prefer 1 or 2 Vegapunks, not 7 of them).

But we got what we got, at least it seems that Elbaf will happen soon. Which cannot be soon enough.
Yeah, personally I was hoping Egghead would be a "break" arc like Zou where the straw hats just relax and barely do any fighting while making some progressive steps towards their endgoal, like getting new poneglyph info, having some of their weapons upgraded (or getting new ones) with seastone coating, Franky getting cyborg upgrades, Chopper learning a lot of medical info from Punk Records, Luffy forming new alliances, stuff like that. Instead we get some new outfits, a DF theory Vegapunk isn't 100% sure about, Nika wank, and Vegapunk being good as dead.

The only positive to come from the arc for me was Blackbeard's shenanigans.
Yeah, personally I was hoping Egghead would be a "break" arc like Zou where the straw hats just relax and barely do any fighting while making some progressive steps towards their endgoal, like getting new poneglyph info, having some of their weapons upgraded (or getting new ones) with seastone coating, Franky getting cyborg upgrades, Chopper learning a lot of medical info from Punk Records, Luffy forming new alliances, stuff like that. Instead we get some new outfits, a DF theory Vegapunk isn't 100% sure about, Nika wank, and Vegapunk being good as dead.

The only positive to come from the arc for me was Blackbeard's shenanigans.
Oh yes the outfits were so unnecessary and it still feels like Oda spent half a year on them alone.
Seastone coating would've been so interesting. And I'm still disappointed the dial science was never explored.
Rebember when people were saying this is going to be Franky's arc and he's going to get an upgrade?

Yeah get ready for the same thing in Elbaf with Usopp
I actually got chewed out for even suggesting it despite that its been a constant problem these last few arcs so far. :risitavirus:

  • People thought Egghead would be Franky or even Robin-centric considering the strong theme of history and technology in the arc but nothing came of it. Instead it was just Nika wank and Kuma torture, and Kuma and Bonney's involvement just ended rather abruptly, and Kuma's flashback made the Revs look like useless a-holes.
  • People thought Wano would be Zoro and Ryuma centric, but it was just Odenfest and arbitrary character exposition that made Dressrosa look tame by comparison. Oda could've even added more screentime for Chopper involving his attempts to cure smile victims or maybe even give a backstory about Hiruluk visiting Wano in the past to explain why he became obsessed with cherry blossoms, but instead Chopper's failed attempts to cure smile get regulated to an SBS (just like Zoro's family history) and he gets a 2 chapter-long blue oni virus to cure which was just Punk Hazard disease 2.0 and only exists to make up for the fact that Chopper failed in his dream to cure all ailments by failing to cure Smile victims.
  • WCI was surprisingly Sanji-focused but ultimately didn't amount to much, with Big Mom's reputation tanking into Big Meme and Sanji not even getting a dedicated fight to himself or resolution with his abusive family, with Luffy getting all the good fights and Brook vs Big Mom (which deserved way more attention) getting offscreened twice.
  • Also this one isn't as important, but you'd think they would've shown the fishman dojo at least once during Fishman Island despite being the most mentioned attraction on the island.