I can't fast because the temptation to eat food would be too much for me. So I just decided to do a diet instead.
It's not that hard to get into. What matters is that when you eat, you're eating good food.
When our ancestors fasted, they were eating fresh/unprocessed meats, dairy, fruit, veggies, nuts, etc.
If you want to fast in the modern era, you have to make sure that when you do eat, it's either Keto/eliminates simple carbs. Complex carbs are fine because they digest differently, to an extent, but we have way too much food in our diet that turns into glucose during digestion, hence our health issues.
He gets a bad rap due to the terrorists in the US media, but Kyrie Irving has been very successful despite fasting while playing basketball at the highest level.
The basic concept is that when you fast properly, your healthy cells will consume your bad/dead cells as energy, cleaning your entire body's eco system. By limiting the calories you're putting in, you're forcing your body into eating the waste inside it, purifying you from the inside out.
You don't have to try it, but I know you're strong enough to do it, if you're ever interested. I've wanted to try for awhile, but had similar mental blocks (god I love pizza, my word).