Who is the leader of Conejo Blanco: Election for the Leader!

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Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Every nakama theory is a failed theory
Tama4Nakama was easily the most deluded campaign, right up there with Caesar lol.

This one stuck out the most because when the Yamato agenda died, out of nowhere the Tama fans starting puffing their chests like they won lol. "We're going back to Wano to pick her up"
"Luffy already gave her an invite"
"She can take Doc Q and Stronger in a 2v2 with Chopper" :risitavirus:

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Tama4Nakama was easily the most deluded campaign, right up there with Caesar lol.

This one stuck out the most because when the Yamato agenda died, out of nowhere the Tama fans starting puffing their chests like they won lol. "We're going back to Wano to pick her up"
"Luffy already gave her an invite"
"She can take Doc Q and Stronger in a 2v2 with Chopper" :risitavirus:
@AL sama @Sigran101 ya'll remember that? :ihaha:
Tama4Nakama was easily the most deluded campaign, right up there with Caesar lol.

This one stuck out the most because when the Yamato agenda died, out of nowhere the Tama fans starting puffing their chests like they won lol. "We're going back to Wano to pick her up"
"Luffy already gave her an invite"
"She can take Doc Q and Stronger in a 2v2 with Chopper" :risitavirus:
I rebember that lol, how awesome would it be fore a SH to be relegated to fight the horse.

Also Tama vs a horse would be so "engaging", she uses her power and wins :milaugh:
Tama4Nakama was easily the most deluded campaign, right up there with Caesar lol.

This one stuck out the most because when the Yamato agenda died, out of nowhere the Tama fans starting puffing their chests like they won lol. "We're going back to Wano to pick her up"
"Luffy already gave her an invite"
"She can take Doc Q and Stronger in a 2v2 with Chopper" :risitavirus:
You act like Tama can't defeat Yonkou Officers.

Guess what?

Playtime is over, no more monkey business. Tama low diffs Monster.

Shanks shouldn't have brought a monkey to a mochi fight.

I see you leaving Usopp of out of the fight so he can't help Tama fire her mochi into Stronger's mouth from afar. Nerfing Tama.

The Anti-Tama Agenda must be stopped /s

I'm just sad Stussy pretty much has no chance.
Tama4Nakama was easily the most deluded campaign, right up there with Caesar lol.

This one stuck out the most because when the Yamato agenda died, out of nowhere the Tama fans starting puffing their chests like they won lol. "We're going back to Wano to pick her up"
"Luffy already gave her an invite"
"She can take Doc Q and Stronger in a 2v2 with Chopper" :risitavirus:
I'm just confused as to why anybody would want Tama as a nakama. Why would anybody stan a lame arse character like her? Generic design, mundane situational ability, no interesting or unique character attribute, just nothing. Who the feck wanted that?

I can understand bad nakama choices where they were actually cool (Monet) or at least meme worthy (Gastino) but Tama? :risicheck:
I'm just confused as to why anybody would want Tama as a nakama. Why would anybody stan a lame arse character like her? Generic design, mundane situational ability, no interesting or unique character attribute, just nothing. Who the feck wanted that?

I can understand bad nakama choices where they were actually cool (Monet) or at least meme worthy (Gastino) but Tama? :risicheck:
I am this close to making a Tama for Nakama bet thread.
I'm just confused as to why anybody would want Tama as a nakama. Why would anybody stan a lame arse character like her? Generic design, mundane situational ability, no interesting or unique character attribute, just nothing. Who the feck wanted that?

I can understand bad nakama choices where they were actually cool (Monet) or at least meme worthy (Gastino) but Tama? :risicheck:
bEcAuSe sHe WaS on the volume cover!!11

And she can control sea kings!!!111

hOw cAn U nOt rOoT fOr hEr??
