Couple fun facts about Easter in Ukraine:
1) for some reason not all of the Christian holidays are the same days in Ukraine as they are in the rest of Europe (due to calendars discrepancy) but as Ukraine got independence for it's church we started to change those, and Easter in Ukraine is in about a month, lol, although Christmas is no longer on 7th of January.
2) in Ukraine Easter is not about the easter bunny or easter eggs hunt, it's more about special bakery (tastes kinda like panettone) and painted chicken eggs (or at least boiled with yellow onion peels to give them some colour), like this:
Which is actually pretty funny when you think of it, because I've read somewhere that early Christians reused some of old pagan traditions to make the transition easier, and the holiday fairly close to Easter (in terms of dates/season) was a celebration dedicated to seasonal change (winter -> summer) and fertility rites, so the baked thingy and eggs are actually representing manhood

ofc there are some other myths and legends from Christian folklore about the eggs and stuff, but we all know the truth