Future Events Connection Pattern of Weekly Manga chapter with Anime episode

Hello everyone,

For the past few months, I have been noticing something regarding the upcoming manga chapters...

This can be pure coincidence, BUT maybe it's just a GREAT teamwork and syncoronization between Oda and Anime Staff...

I have been noticing that many of the upcoming chapters that is being dropped are a continuation/extension for a plot/character focus from the ANIME episode that will drop this week or next week...

I'll clarify this with examples:
- The chapter where Kaido was revealed to be "Koi fish" and the connection with waterfall koi fish legend... the very week after, we had an anime episode of Apoo entering Wano country... and the method of Koi Fish dragging the ship as an entry method was explained in that episode...

- Chapter 1000 Luffy puching Kaido with Gear 3 Ryuu attack, is a PAYOFF to the last anime episode which had two major events, Zoro with Enma, and Luffy FINALLY showing he can use Ryuu on that tree scene.... so it's the payoff for it

Other examples I can provide are:

- When Sanji saved Momonosuke from King, and had his small clash with King in manga.... the anime had focus also on Raid Suit Sanji in the bathhouse with Drake/Hawkins.

- The chapter Drake was revealed as a traitor by Queen... and he joined forces with Luffy... it was around the same period anime episode had the "Sanji vs Drake"

- Another example is the chapter where scabbards pierce Kaido and make him bleed was around the time Kawamatsu was freed from prison in anime and was flexing with his Ryuu

There are MANY other examples that aren't in my head currently... but honestly, I've been noticing something like this for the past 4-5 months... (naturally NOT ALL chapters) but many of them.... which leads me to believe that Oda sometimes introduces a plot in manga... and he just goes away and NEVER gets back to it until 30 chapters later or different number, and when he gets back to it... it is around the same time the ANIME is focusing on that plot introduced...

And honestly IFFF there is a connection... There will be some really exciting Manga chapters for the next 10...
Tell me your thoughts anyway about this headcanon LOL