Coronzon vs Ichigo and Yhwach

cant comment as i dont know the abilities and feats of Coronzon
At least Universal destruction, (rivals Othinus who destroyed and recreated the universe billions of times and even after being crippled of nearly all her power as an exposed soul losing her avatar and losing her status as Great Demon, she still had enough power to destroy half the universe)

-Uses Magick and pure elements made from Enochian magic that I’ll post scans later.

-Can also imitate Accelerator’s vector manipulation to oncoming attacks to send the attack right back to the opponents heart,

-physically ripped apart space and time with her hands to tear herself away from being sent to another universe back to the main one.

- Damage done by her cannot be fixed through the magic techniques of those who are Aeons beneath her and she’s beyond all Aeons in power. For the sake of Vs threads, her damage is irreversible against opponents inferior to her in power which is basically what Aeons go by for the most part.

- can knock people out by forcefully shutting off their brains with a snap of her fingers.

- Her screams snuff out the life force of any living being caught by it. Can also use the vibrations of her voice to disrupt oncoming attacks too.

- Can extend her hair into the shape of false angels that work as clones of her to cast the same
magic with

- Magick: Flaming_Sword is her strongest spell. Calls down pure spiritual power of a higher plane from the Tree of Sephiroth that travels down the tree in a zig-zag pattern to obliterate the target. Rivals Othinus’ Gungnir in power which destroyed and recreated the entire universe.
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At least Universal destruction, (rivals Othinus who destroyed and recreated the universe billions of times and even after being crippled of nearly all her power as an exposed soul losing her avatar, she still had enough power to destroy half the universe)

-Uses Magick and pure elements made from Enochian magic that I’ll post scans later.

-Can also imitate Accelerator’s vector manipulation to oncoming attacks to send the attack right back to the opponents heart,

-physically ripped apart space and time with her hands to tear herself away from being sent to another universe back to the main one.

- Damage done by her cannot be fixed through the magic techniques of those who are Aeons beneath her and she’s beyond all Aeons in power. For the sake of Vs threads, her damage is irreversible against opponents inferior to her in power which is basically what Aeons go by for the most part.

- can knock people out by forcefully shutting off their brains with a snap of her finger.

- Her screams snuff out the life force of any living being caught by it. Can also use the vibrations of her voice to disrupt oncoming attacks too.

- Can extend her hair into the shape of false angels that work as clones of her to cast the same
magic with

- Magick: Flaming_Sword is her strongest spell. Calls down pure spiritual power from the Tree of Sephiroth that travels down the tree in a zig-zag patter to obliterate the target. Rivals Othinus’ Gungnir which destroyed and recreated the entire universe in power.
if so then its a stop, Juhabach can see it coming but is too weak to do anything about it even Ichigo's plot armor wont save him
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Universe level character vs 2 Universe level characters. That’s pretty even.
Coronzon's hex is too much for this to be fair
Also worth mentioning that Coronzon is a being not bound by cause and effect.

Lilith, who can freely ignore the very laws of causality.

“Just then, Baby Lilith moved her small hand to draw a circle in the air.

But that made no sense.

Given the comparative speeds, it was too late to move your hand after Magick: Flaming_Sword had already been released. Nevertheless, it worked.

Consistency fell apart. Causality was ignored.
In other words, it was a miracle.

With a sound like a saw’s teeth bending, the tip of the Magick: Flaming_Sword was twisted off course. It was caught by the shield-like circle Lilith had drawn, it spun around, and it was trapped in a never-ending circuit.”

All she can manage is shaking up some of Coronzon’s invisible power but can do nothing to her directly. Basically, briefly stalling her out before eventually getting overwhelmed is what would happen.

“Coronzon had endured.

Her armor of physical muscle and bone had deflected the exorcism that was meant to drive out demons with ease.

“You had failed to defeat me from the beginning.” Coronzon whispered sweetly from close enough to embrace the silver girl. “It does not matter if you use all the power of this temple or amplify and weaponize everything you can throw at me.”

Black Cat Witch Mina Mathers…no, Baby Lilith held in the woman’s arms held out a tiny hand.

But Coronzon only scoffed.

“Try it then. Kee hee hee. I am the ruler of the Abyss and the guardian of the knowledge beyond. No miracle reliant on the Sephiroth or the Qliphoth can kill me. Because I control who ascends and descends the tree.”


“If you doubt me, then use your miracles until your soul is no more. You will be no more successful than your father. Your miracles can only shake the invisible power, so it cannot reach me while I am protected by a physical body made of flesh and blood. Contact with you will not trigger mutual annihilation. I cannot afford to become the joker in a game of old maid, but you are not my match. Let us hope that I can be safely destroyed by the reaction I receive to the annihilation of everything else in the world.”