Powers & Abilities Current Megumi is Relative to Yuta

Because Sukuna exorcised Mahoraga, and Megumi’s other shikigami gain the power of the exorcised shikigami. Additionally, Megumi said that no Ten Shadows user had ever exorcised Mahoraga, meaning that he may currently be the strongest Ten Shadows user ever. With a Mahoraga level summon at his beck and call he can probably put up at least a high mid diff against Yuta.

Megumi’s will have at least one summon that received Mahoraga’s power. This elevates him quite a bit, potentially to the status of a special grade sorcerer.


Lazy is the way
I thought it was said that if someone else exorcised a shadow the sorcerer can't earn anything from it ?

Given it was Sukuna doing maybe/likely Megumi didn't earn anything power wise from Mahoraga