Theory Current Owner of Toki Toki no Mi

Toki's fruit as with time travel in general comes with a lot of questions. Lucky for us we already know the user can't jump backwards in time.

But unfortunately we don't know enough to properly understand how it works. With that said let's get to the theory.

Toki has been hinted to have some type of clairvoyance although limited. But just because she can see into the future, it doesn't mean it'll happen exactly as she had seen it. Which is why when she sent Momonosuke to the future, she had to keep Hiyori in her current time line in case something were to happen to him.

First of I'm going to rule out Sharly as she had been predicting future events while Toki was alive. I'll also rule out there being duplicates of Toki's fruit since she didn't die 800 years in the past for it to transfer to someone else. So we can say Toki's fruit is the only one of its kind throughout all time lines.

So the current user would have only received the power of the toki toki no mi, 20 years ago (earliest). So who is it?

The King of The World, Im. I believe this power would suit him/her perfectly as it give's him the power to see potential threats and the added advantage of escaping into the future if things do end up going south.

Im has identified Luffy, Shirahoshi & Teach as future threats to his rule but from the imagery we can say he has selected Vivi as the one to eliminate.
I always thought that Shanks was a user of a time-based fruit, but since that editorial thing confirmed he didn't eat a fruit, I would say that , maybe, Hyori has the fruit. I think that it is unlikely that anyone in the WG has that fruit because that would be super dangerous in the hands of the WG.


I got a hunch that Hiyori has it simply because Toki probably wouldn’t let it get into enemy hands which is possibly why Hiyori wasn’t part of the group that leaped into the future.


One of the Shanks crew have it. Very likely its ben or lucy roo . It has never been explained how did they arrive so fast from new world to marineford
One of the Shanks crew have it. Very likely its ben or lucy roo . It has never been explained how did they arrive so fast from new world to marineford
But jumping in time doesn't equal moving fast in space according to what we've seen from Toki's fruit. Could have other abilities, of course, although I'm not too much into the idea of a Red-haired pirate having a fruit.

A strong possibility, actually, considering that time is usually depicted as green and would fit the trio with light and gravity.

Thats kinda make senses if we quote Doflamingo's words back in Green Bit when he said Ryokugyuu and Fujitora is the monster in the navy. Im kinda confuse why he doesnt mention kizaru at all.
He's only speaking of the new recruits, and wouldn't make sense to mention Kizaru. He hasn't heard of him being a monster, he actually knows him personally and has seen what he can do. Fujitora and Ryokugyu, on the other hand, are newcomers.
Toki didn't died. So she is still using it, except she is not since he told Oden she wouldn't use it anymore. At least for her I guess.

But it is a bit odd in my opinion that Roger never wanted to met her and talk about void century.